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IAEA reports positive meeting with Iran

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Talks between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency held today in Vienna have been assessed by both sides as positive.

Reuters reports that Herman Nackaerts, the IAEA deputy director general, reported that the talks at Iran’s diplomatic mission in Vienna were “very constructive” and more substantive discussions are set to take place on October 28.

The talks with the IAEA came in the wake of a statement by Hassan Rohani, the new Iranian president, that he is looking to resolve the nuclear disputes within three to six months.

Earlier reports indicated that 5+1 representatives will meet with the Iranian foreign minister and his team on October 15 and 16 to try to address Western concerns about Iran’s nuclear program.

Nackaerts was quoted as saying: “We, indeed, should continue these constructive discussions and we hope that we could reach an agreement as soon as possible.”

The Iranian president stressed in his UN speech that Iran’s nuclear program is peaceful and Iran has no military ambitions on the nuclear front.
Radio Zamaneh