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Tag: Iranian nuclear program

Shirin Ebadi: Untold truths about the nuclear issue

  A new round of “Zamaneh Debate” will take place on February 15 in Amsterdam with Shirin Ebadi, Sohrab Razaghi and Mehran Mostafavi focussing on the nuclear issue. In anticipation of the event, Zamaneh interviewed Ms. Ebadi, Iranian Nobel Peace Laureate and legal expert and the force behind the National Dialogue on Nuclear Energy, an […]

Iran signs “cooperation” agreement with nuclear agency

  Iran and the IAEA have signed an agreement on “a roadmap to cooperation” in establishing a mutually acceptable framework for the UN watchdog to inspect Iran’s nuclear facilities. Yukiya Amano, the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, was set to arrive in Tehran on November 11 to conduct talks with Iran’s atomic agency […]

Iranian Foreign Minister gives wide-ranging U.S. interview

  Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif told a U.S. television audience that the Holocaust was “a heinous crime” and a “genocide”, while blaming poor translation for the fact that the word “myth” appears on the Iranian Supreme Leader’s English-language website in reference to the Holocaust. “The Holocaust is not a myth. Nobody’s talking about […]