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Deterioration of Hamid Moradi’s Physical Condition/Justice-Security Officials Obstruct Jailed Dervishes’ Access to Medical Health Care



Physical condition of imprisoned Gonabadi Dervish rights activist and the manager of Majzooban Noor website, Hamid-Reza Moradi who has been held for more than two years in Evin prison, is reportedly deteriorated as his condition requires special health care in specialized medical center hospital. But he has been illegaly prevented from transfer to hospitals outside of prison under judicial and security authorities pressure.
According to Majzooban Noor, Hamid-Reza Moradi has heart problems and suffers from clogged arteries disease which is worrisome ( 70% Artery Blockage) and he should be immediately transferred to specialized treatment centers but upon unlawful orders of security and intelligence institutions,
the jailed Dervishes have to be shackled and handcuffed in prison uniform even while receiving medical attention and as Hamid Moradi, prisoner of conscience, does not obey this unlawful order, so he has been prevented from being transferred to hospital. Regardless of his serious condition and also doctors’ warnings over the risk of foot and leg amputations he has been still kept in prison.
Despite the recommendation of Evin prison’s doctors to send ill Dervishes to outside hospitals for treatment in specialized institutions but authorities refuse to grant them a medical furlough and even from transfer to medical centers.
Furthermore, another imprisoned Gonabadi Dervish lawyer and Dervish rights defender Mostafa Daneshjou
is suffering from severe respiratory disease and asthma and according to the coroner’s certificate he has lost a considerable (at about 40%) of his lung capacity but under order from the judicial-security authorities he is prevented from the necessary treatments for his condition and denied access to medical treatment.
Previously also as an illegal action, judge Salavati had stated that, “transfer of imprisoned Dervishes in Ward 350 of Evin prison to the treatment centers is only upon the consent of the Ministry of Intelligence.” Although according to the first paragraph of Article 235 of Executive Regulation of Prison Law, political prisoners and prisoners of conscience are exempt from wearing a prison uniform, using handcuffs and footcuffs during their transfer to medical centers, jurisdictions, education and training centers.

It should be noted that, Mr. Hamid Reza Moradi Sarvestani, the administrator of the Majzooban Noor website and Dervishes’ rights activist, was sentenced to 10 years and six months in prison; Mostafa Daneshjou, lawyer and website administrator to seven years and six months by Branch 15 of Tehran Revolutionary Court presided over by judge Salavati. Although they consider the sentences as unfair, on July 17, 2013 the defendants declared that they would not appeal as they “have lost almost all hope for enjoying fair and legal investigation” after being denied their right to a fair trial on a number of occasions.