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Tag: Administrator

Deterioration of Hamid Moradi’s Physical Condition/Justice-Security Officials Obstruct Jailed Dervishes’ Access to Medical Health Care

  Physical condition of imprisoned Gonabadi Dervish rights activist and the manager of Majzooban Noor website, Hamid-Reza Moradi who has been held for more than two years in Evin prison, is reportedly deteriorated as his condition requires special health care in specialized medical center hospital. But he has been illegaly prevented from transfer to hospitals […]

Majzooban Noor Statement on Anniversary Of Kavar Events And Arrest Of Lawyers And Administrators Of The Dervishes News Agency

    Gonabadi dervishes are Iranian citizens and their Population is not apart from Iran, therefore, every dervish as an Iranian and also dervishes population as a social organization have rights.