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Gonabadi Dervishes Were Accused Of Being Anti-Security



In the indictment which is drafted by Iran’s Ministry of Information in the case of Gonabadi dervishes’s lawyers and Majzooban Noor website’s managers, “The Friary” and “Nematollahi Gonabadi Order” is mentioned as “Anti-security cult and deviant group”!

According to Majzooban reporter, in the indictment in the case of dervishes, one of the filed charges against them is acting against national security by “Join the Cult of anti-security Sufism”!

In this indictment being dervish and the Friary were mentioned frequently as a deviation!

Although, according to the Iranian constitution the Friary and being dervish, absolutely is not recognized as an offense.

These such charges and calling the dervishes as “Anti-security” and “Deviated” have made all Gonabadi dervishes surprised and confused that how Friary path, being a dervish and believe on Sufism and Islamic Mysticism could endanger national security???