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Majzoobān-i Noor Website’s arrested managers and staffs in Evin prison security cells are under pressure

According to Majzoobān-i Noor Website’s reporter, the apprehended Dervīshes in Tehren who were arrested in the early morning of Monday, 14 Shahrivar 1390 (5 September 2011) by the security forces and plain-clothes men,


According to Majzoobān-i Noor Website’s reporter, the apprehended Dervīshes in Tehren who were arrested in the early morning of Monday, 14 Shahrivar 1390 (5 September 2011) by the security forces and plain-clothes men, were transferred to Evin prison and up to now there is not any information about their accusation, accusing reasons, and their situation.

Replying to the attempts of the apprehended Dervīshes’ families and visiting Evin prison authorities, it has been announced that Dervīshes are imprisoned in Evin prison security cells and are forbidden to be visited.

This report adds Dervīshes are deprived of their legal rights to have lawyer and are under the authorities’ pressure.