Weekly report on Human Right Violation in Iran (19-10-2013)



Responses to Human Rights Abuses in Iran

1. Last week, a group of Araki citizen held a gathering in the National Garden of the city in protest against the city’s air pollution. This protest took place despite the presence of a large number of police officers.
2. The European Parliament published a statement in Strasbourg to request Iran for the release of Saeed Abedini, an Iranian-American priest who is currently jailed in Iran. This parliament also strongly condemned the attack on Camp Ashraf in Iraq.
3. Shireen Ebadi, an Iranian lawyer and a Nobel Peace Prize winner, emphasised on the illegal house arrest of the following three individuals and indicated that: “The sending of Mr Karoubi, Mr Mousavi and Mrs Rahnavard’s case files to the National Security Council is depressing and sad”

Women’s Rights

1. On Wednesday 9th October 2013, following a written summons and complaint by the intelligence ministry, Mahdiyeh Farahani, a woman’s rights activist, was ordered to appear to the Shaheed Moghaddas court of Evin prison.

Universities and Academics

1. On Monday 14th October 2013, at least a female and a male student from the University of Tehran were arrested during Hassan Rohani’s speech.
2. Reportedly, Mehdi Amani, Mr Rohani’s deputy head of student political campaign group, and one of the political student activists from the University of Yazd were summoned to the Fata police station, charged with “spreading propaganda against the government officials, and disturbing public opinion”
3. On Sunday 14 October 2013, following the death of a university female student of the University of BooAli Hamadani, several hundred students of this university demonstrated.

The rights of the followers of ethnic minorities – prisoners of conscience in Iran

1. Last week, the undercover security forces and the Intelligence Ministry of Mahabad city, by creating atmosphere of fear and attacking the house of Soleiman Ghanbari’s home, searched Mr. Ghamberi’s resident and physically abused the family of this Kurdish citizen. The undercover security officer later indicated that the charges against this family are collaboration with one of Kurdish opposition parties.
2. On Saturday 12th October, the families of ideological- political Sunni prisoners gathered in front of the Intelligence Agency in the city of Sanandaj which resulted to the officers threatening them with arrest.
3. Last week, few Baha’i resident of Semnan city by the names of Ardeshir Fanayan, Golrokh Fyroozyan and Shidrokh Fyroozyan, were sentenced to prison with charges of publicity and promotion of Baha’i faith.
4. The Security organs prevented the Sunnis of doing their Eid al-Adha prayer on Wednesday at their home mosques. Consequently, they did not perform Eid prayer.
5. The sentence of five Baha’i residents from city of Mashhad, namely Neghar Malekzadeh, Hurieh Mohseni, Negin Ahmadian, Behnaz Haddad-zade and Arman Mokhtari was confirmed by the appeal court in the city of Khorasan.

Workers and vulnerable communities

1. Mostafa Nazari, the representative of the Islamic central association of work and pensions in the cities of Abadan, Khorramshahr and Arvandrood, spoke of 6-month delay in payment of wages of 120 workers in Arvandan shipbuilding industry this year and a delay of 4 month in wages and other statutory benefits to the workers related to the year 2011.
2. Furthermore, last week Mostafa Nazari announced that 140 construction labourers of the Samin industry have not been paid for three months due to decreased operational projects.
3. 80 woodcraft factory labourers were unemployed due to the closure of industrial units.

Sentences: death, flogging, amputation, imprisonment and detention

1. According to reports sixth branch of the Court of appeals of the East Azarbaijan province, confirmed the conviction of civil activist Hasan Damirchi to six month imprisonment. It should be mentioned that Hasan Damirchi, in the past, many times for his civil activities had been charges, arrested and put on trial.
2. Behnam Chegini, a reformist activist from Araak, who had also been a member to Hasan Rohani’s campaign, has been sentenced to 9 years imprisonment.
3. Saber Mokhaled Mavane, a political prisoner in the central prison of Urumieh was accused of murder and sentenced to death by Branch 16 of the general court of the Urumie city.
4. Five people accused of terrorist act and assassinations of Sunni Clergymen by the names of Hiva Taab, Hamid Khoshnavaz, Kamal Hashemi, Moslem Rashidi and Hiva, who have been identified to be high ranking members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, were hanged in the Sanandaj Prison.
5. On 14 October 2013, during an execution in the central Ilam Prison, hands grenades were thrown inside the main entrance of the Prison by the relatives of the murderer in order to save the prisoner from being hanged. Nearly 20 people were injured as a result of this attack. It is worth noticing that, none of the judicial authorities had announced the identity of the person to be hanged, and his execution would have not been known by the media if this incident had not occurred.
6. 39 people from musical art in Kermanshah consisting of artists, musicians, photographers and singers have each been sentenced to one year imprisonment and fine of 10 million Rials.
7. During Last week, 35 years old Saeed Loweimi who was transferred from Karoon Prison to Esfihan Prison was hanged in the Prison.
8. Nabi- Akram Corps, a branch of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards of the Islamic Republic in the city of Kermanshah announced the arrest of several homosexuals in this city.

Press and cyberspace

1. Reports indicate, Editor and Managing director of Bukhara Magazine News, Ali AkbarJafarDhbashi has been charged for 11 months imprisonment and fine of Two and a half million Tomans because of printing a poem of Mansour Uji and insulting wearing chador.

Other human rights violations

1. Reports indicate that 63 people are accused of political/security activities against the Islamic Republic in Kerman will be tried in court collectively.
2. Ahmad Daneshpur who is suffering from ulcerative colitis colon, due to medical negligence of prison officials and the prosecutors not agreeing to send him to a hospital in Tehran, has gastrointestinal cancer and is about to dye.
3. Seyed Zia Nabavi, who has been in prison without leave since June 88, has been charged with a new case of propaganda against the authority in AHWAZ.
4. On Wednesday a prisoner named Alireza– M who had been executed in the prison in the city of BOJNURD and came alive after spending a day at a morgue was again sentenced to death.
5. Reportedly Intelligence officials of one of the Karoon Prison in Ahvaz after cursing and insulting Abulfazel beat him up.
6. Guardian Council has confirmed the controversial low of marriage with adopted child to support them.
7. According to the news, 63 political-security activists who are accused of plotting against Islamic Republic of Iran will be formally charged all at the same time in Kermanshah court.

8. According to the news, 63 political-security activists who are accused of plotting against Islamic Republic of Iran will be formally charged all at the same time in Kermanshah court.