1 Day Grace Period to Pursue Medical Treatment Prevented Dervishes Lawyers From Strike



Monday Aban 13, 1392 (Nov 4, 2013) imprisoned Gonabadi Dervishes lawyers who had intention to strike and refuse to go in the visiting room to protest the lack of adequate medical care for prisoners, after Mr. Momeni, the Evin Prison director’s promise of urgent investigation the matter went to the prison visiting room in the final (Office) hours.
According to Majzooban Noor, while Gonabadi Dervishes lawyers imprisoned in ward 350 did not go to the visiting room yesterday to protest the lack of adequate medical care and for frequently exclusions of ill prisoners from transfer to hospital, their families with a warning of not to leave the visiting room asked prison authorities to meet their demands. Then, Mr. Momeni, the Evin prison director asked one day period of grace for investigating and resolving the issue and urged jailed Dervishes to withdraw the strike.
Jailed Dervishes announced that they will continue to protest with even more intensity if a deal is not reached before then. Because since long ago they have tried to explain all of their problems to the authorities through their persistent efforts and multiple correspondence.
The Dervishes in their conversation with Mr. Momeni explained about violation of their rights such as “Obstruction of prisoners’ access to medical care centers, limited access to urgent facilities, forcing jailed Dervishes to wear a prison uniform, use handcuffs and foot-cuffs while transferring to hospital out side of prison since Farvardin1392 (April 2013) after transfer of them from ward 209 to ward 350 and putting prisoners’ lives at risk and endangering the health and lives of Dervishes behind prison walls.
They also point to the dire health condition of Dervish lawyer, Mostafa Daneshjou who demanded his early hospital discharge and returned to Evin prison to protest against breaking the law in the medical care and treatment process to the prisoners especially imprisoned dervishes by judicial and security authorities on 12th Aban 1392 ( Nov 3, 2013) and warned against critical health condition of Hamidreza Moradi in Evin prison.
According to Majzooban Noor, Dervish rights defender, Mostafa Daneshjou who had been taken to the Shohada e Tajrish hospital on an emergency basis on Aban 5, 1392 (Oct 27, 2013) and was in Coronary Care Unit (HDU/CCU), despite doctors’ opposition, sunday morning 12th Aban 1392 ( Nov 3, 2013) returned to Evin prison in very poor health condition to protest against undue interference of irresponsibles in the medical care and treatment process to the political prisoners and officials’ lack of concern for the life and health of sick prisoners of conscience who require outside medical care.
Furthermore, imprisoned Gonabadi Dervish rights activist and the manager of Majzooban Noor website, Hamid-Reza Moradi has heart problems and suffers from clogged arteries disease which is worrisome ( 70% Artery Blockage) and he should be immediately transferred to specialized treatment centers but upon unlawful orders of security and intelligence institutions,
the jailed Dervishes have to be shackled and handcuffed in prison uniform even while receiving medical attention and as Hamid Moradi, prisoner of conscience, does not obey this unlawful order, so he has been prevented from being transferred to hospital. Regardless of his serious condition and also doctors’ warnings over the risk of foot and leg amputations he has been still kept in prison.
Despite the recommendation of Evin prison’s doctors to send ill Dervishes to outside hospitals for treatment in specialized institutions but authorities refuse to grant them a medical furlough.
According to a report by Kaleme website, recently 31 political prisoners at Evin’s Ward 350 condemn the recent illegal actions against Gonabadi Dervish lawyers behind bars in a statement and expressed grave concern over the deteriorating health conditions of Hamid-Reza Moradi and Mostafa Daneshjou.
Medical care at Iran prisons is lacking, putting the health and safety of inmates at risk, according to a report by Kaleme, four political prisoners of ward 350 of Evin prison, Abdolfattah Soltani, Amir-Khosrou Dalirsani, Saeed Madani and Mehdi Khodaee have started a hunger strike in protest over conditions in the prison and to the judicial and security authorities’ lack of attention for the life and health of ill prisoners. Now, the 12 political prisoners from Rajai Shahr prison have also begun hunger strike to protest the lack of attention to the health of ill inmates.