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Tag: Medical Treatment

Imprisoned Journalist Denied Medical Treatment for Serious War Wounds

  Denial of Medical Care is Routine for Political Prisoners in Iran Imprisoned journalist and political activist Serajeddin Mirdamadi is in need of urgent medical attention at Evin Prison’s infamous Ward 8, a source told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran. Authorities are refusing to transfer him to the hospital to be treated […]

Imprisoned Lawyer Denied Urgently Needed Medical Treatment

  Despite the severely deteriorating health of imprisoned Iranian lawyer Abdolfattah Soltani, the Tehran Prosecutor refuses to grant him permission to receive medical care outside the prison, due to the prominent lawyer’s steadfastness about his beliefs, Soltani’s daughter told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran. Maedeh Soltani told the Campaign that her father […]

Return of Jailed Dervish, Afshin Karampour to Prison Before Receiving Medical Treatment

  Yesterday evening on 27 Esfand 1392 ( Mar 19, 2014), imprisoned Dervish lawyer, Afshin Karampour was taken to a hospital, but despite the order for admission to hospital and having intense pain from spinal disc denied medical care and was sent back to jail after a few hours.According to Majzooban Noor’ reporter, after many […]

Judge Salavati ‘s Interferences in Medical Treatment of Jailed Dervishes Are Continued

  Despite of official transfer of Mr. Hamid-Reza Moradi and Mr. Mostafa Daneshjou by specialist at Shohada e Tajrish hospital to Tehran Heart Center, judge Salavati is insisting on transferring them to Shahid Rajaee hospital at their own expenses.According to Majzooban Noor, on saturday afternoon (14th of Day/ Jun 4) judge Salavati sent an order […]

Kasra Nouri Refuse any Medical Treatment Due to Medical Negligence Toward Prisoners at Ebrat Ward

  Despite the pain of lumbar degenerative disc, imprisoned Gonabadi Dervishe, Kasra Nouri refused to go to Adel Abad prison infirmary to take medicine, on 19 Azar 1392 ( Dec 10, 2013).According to Majzooban Noor, since two days ago, the disc pain of Dervish rights activist, Kasra Nouri has intensified so prison guards tried to […]

1 Day Grace Period to Pursue Medical Treatment Prevented Dervishes Lawyers From Strike

  Monday Aban 13, 1392 (Nov 4, 2013) imprisoned Gonabadi Dervishes lawyers who had intention to strike and refuse to go in the visiting room to protest the lack of adequate medical care for prisoners, after Mr. Momeni, the Evin Prison director’s promise of urgent investigation the matter went to the prison visiting room in […]

Amir Eslami Is Back to Ward 350 Before Medical Treatment Ends

  Amir Eslami, one of the imprisoned Gonabadi Dervishes’ lawyers has been transferred back to ward 350 of Evin prison after the gut surgery in Taleghani hospital much earlier than the end of assigned medical treatment period. According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Amir Eslami who was transferred to Taleghani […]

Trade unionist Reza Shahabi in strike on medical treatment in jail

  According to Südwind journalist,Vandad Oladiazimi,Reza Shahabi,a member of director’s board of the drivers’ trade union of great Tehran and it’s Suburb,who has been imprisoned on political charges since June 2010,is refusing medical treatment to protest against the prevention of treatment in hospital,his poor medical care,insolence of the prison’s medical doctor and abuse by prison […]

Jailed Dervish Lawyer, Mostafa Daneshjou’s Life at Serious Risk in Evin Prison/ Being Denied Medical Treatment by Judge Salavati

  Imprisoned Gonabadi Dervish lawyer, Mostafa Daneshjou was taken to Evin prison infirmary Sunday night (Tir 2/ Jun 23) as a result of acute exacerbation of his respiratory illness and asthma and was being under medical care in the emergency room till midnight. Despite deteriorating of Mostafa Daneshjou’s physical condition and the emphasis of prison […]