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Return of Jailed Dervish, Afshin Karampour to Prison Before Receiving Medical Treatment



Yesterday evening on 27 Esfand 1392 ( Mar 19, 2014), imprisoned Dervish lawyer, Afshin Karampour was taken to a hospital, but despite the order for admission to hospital and having intense pain from spinal disc denied medical care and was sent back to jail after a few hours.
According to Majzooban Noor’ reporter, after many months jailed jurist Dervish in ward 350 of Evin prison, Afshin Karampour who is suffering from severe pains in kidneys and spinal cord which impede him from moving, was finally taken to hospital. Reports indicate that doctors have diagnosed him as having a neurological disorder that requires immediate medical attention in hospital. Although he must be admitted immediately to the Department of Neurology, for neurological examinations but as Tehran’s Evin prison officials are preventing prisoners of conscience from access to adequate medical treatment so sent him back to prison before he could receive any medical treatment while he never really able to walk normally, and he has to use a wheelchair! He was forced to leave the hospital against the physician’s advice.
On his hospital discharge paper that was written by Neurosurgery and Spine Specialist: ” With regards to the patient condition that requires immediate neurological examinations but due to patient returning, there is no possibility of hospitalization… The patient requires immediate hospitalization and emergency care, so please take appropriate action to admit him in hospital as soon as possible.”
Furthermore 10 Gonabadi Dervishes in prison began a hunger strike which joined by more than 3500 other Dervishes outside of prison — in Iran and elsewhere in Europe, India, and other countries — who have also gone on hunger strike to protest state pressure that Dervishes are facing including delays in transferring Afshin Karampour into hospital and to defend the rights of their suffering brethren in Iranian prisons.
Also Gonabadi Dervishes had a rally on Saturday and Sunday, Mar. 8 & 9, 2014 in front of the Tehran’s Prosecutor office. Although their protest was confronted by violent reactions of the security and special guard forces, the protesters ended gathering after officials promised to investigate their demands. Dervishes are still waiting for authorities to fulfill their promises.