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Judge Salavati ‘s Interferences in Medical Treatment of Jailed Dervishes Are Continued



Despite of official transfer of Mr. Hamid-Reza Moradi and Mr. Mostafa Daneshjou by specialist at Shohada e Tajrish hospital to Tehran Heart Center, judge Salavati is insisting on transferring them to Shahid Rajaee hospital at their own expenses.
According to Majzooban Noor, on saturday afternoon (14th of Day/ Jun 4) judge Salavati sent an order by prison guards to these two sick Dervishes that they must be transferred to Shahid Rajaee hospital. This action of judge Salavati is resisted by Mr. Moradi and Mr. Daneshjou, The specialists at Shohada e Tajrish hospital have sent a written request for these two prisoners to be transferred to Tehran Heart Center and this has also confirmed by “legal and forensic medical center”. But, judge Salavati continues to interfere on their medical treatment again.
This kind of violations and illegal interferences have been done before by judge Salavati. As he had forbidden their transferring to hospitals such as Imam Khomeini and Milad and transferring to non-specialized hospital were also conditional on wearing prison uniform.
The imprisoned Gonabadi Dervishes wrote their complaints on their case to “The Court of Judicial Discipline” and requested that judge Salavati must be held responsible.
This is foreseen that, refusing of transfer to Shahid Rajaee hospital by Dervishes would result to their punishment to return to ward 350 of Evin prison.
It is important to say that, the second letter of complaint from imprisoned dervishes against judge Salavati to the Court of Judicial Discipline has been sent last week.