Weekly report on Human Right Violation in Iran (24-11-2013)



Responses to Human Rights Abuses in Iran
1 .The daughter of Parvaneh and Daryoush Foroohar, two victims of the 1998’s serial killings, informed that this year again, the security forces disagreed with holding of commemoration ceremony for her parents.
2. The Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly voted on a draft resolution introduced by Canada condemning alleged human rights violations in Iran. This resolution was adopted after getting 83 positive, 36 negative and 62 abstained votes.
3. Last week, several Iranian political and civil activists, wrote a letter to Ahmad Shaheed, the United Nation Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Iran, asking him to request the Iranian government for a permission to visit Mr Mir Hossein Mousavi, Mr Mehdi Karroubi, and Mrs Zahra Rahnavard, as over a thousand days has passed since these three leaders of the 2009 protests, have been under house arrest.

Women’s Rights
1. Maryam Shafigh-Pour, a student activist who has been in Evin prison since 27th July 2013, remains in limbo situation despite her court hearing. It is said that she was once taken to the hospital as her health deteriorated, and was in need of medical care.

Workers and vulnerable communities
1. On Tuesday 12th November 2013, Mohammad Ali Javanmardi and Reza Tamimi, two workers of one of Abadan’s oil refinery subsets, were both arrested. Eyewitnesses reported the beatings of Mr Javanmardi by plainclothes officials.
2. Last week, Abbas Karegar, the representative of workers of Flax factory in the city of Rasht informed the closure of this manufacturing unit and redundancy of 31 workers, and added “Flax factory has been shut down by the judicial rulings of the Sangsar City Court”.
3. The labour’s representative of ZarkanTakab Gold mineannounced the gradual headcount reduction of 550 workers employed at these mines due to the beginning of the cold season.
4. Furthermore, one of the employees currently employed in the contracting company “Motabar”, the developer of the tunnel construction in Enghelab in the Nabovat Square in the city of Sanandaj spoke of 6 month postponement of salaries of 30 workers due to lack of funds and also said: 70 other workers from this workshop have had contracts changed since the beginning of the current year.
5. Sixty installation contract workers from the University of Science and Technology (Elm-o-Sanaat) protested against the dismissal of some workers on Tuesday 19 November in front of the university office and the unsuitable working conditions.
6. Reports indicate that Abdullah Raeisie, the Secretary of Labour House of the city of Shahr-e-Kord spoke of a three months payment delay and the halving of 120 workers’ wages at Koohrang Dairy Factory.
7. Three hundred workers of industrial machinery of TeraktorSazi in Tabriz have not received their wages for 4 month.
8. A number of workers at Neka-Sofal factory gathered in front of the governor’s building in city of Neka in the province of Mazandaran. These workers say that they have not received their wages for several months.
9. On Monday 18 November 2013, more than 800 workers of the Factory of Plyakryl in Isfihan city, protested against the fact that the governor had failed to deliver on his promises.
10. The representative of Wheat Flour, Sugar and Starch factory in the province of Kohgilouyeh and Boyer Ahmad announced the closure of this factory as well as the 82 workers who have been made jobless with unpaid wages of an average of two and a half months.

Sentences: death, flogging, amputation, imprisonment and detention
1. According to reports, on Sunday 17 November 2013, a prisoner accused of murdering a security office who was sentenced to death, was hanged in the central prison of Isfihan.
2. On Monday 18 November 2013, Rahmatollah Gomshazehi, who has been accused of murderand has spent the last 10 years of his life in prison, was hanged in the central prison of Zahedan.

The rights of the followers of ethnic minorities – prisoners of conscience in Iran
1. In the wake of increasing economic pressure on the Baha’is, on Tuesday 12 November, in a sudden act, security forces suddenly shut down the business offices of three Bahai’residents from Nashtaroud in Mazandaran province by the names of Armin Esmailpour, Michelle Esmailpour and Badiollah Abolfazi.
2. Last week the undercover intelligence department officers of the city of Mahabad barged into the house of Younes Maroofi, a Kurdish citizen, physically abusing him and some of his family members, and then after searching through the house arrested him under charge of collaborating with one of the opposition parties.
3. Last week Hosein Ghaderi, Yousef Moradi and Azad Seghzi, three Sunni prisoners in the Raja-ee prison in the city of Karaj have each been sentenced to 2 years imprisonment by the Revolutionary Court.
4. In July Hosein Saketi-Aramsari, a Christian convert was arrested and is still in the central penitentiary prison in the city of Karaj and is in limbo.
5. On Saturday 17th November Farshid Naseri, Teimoor Naderizadeh and Barzan Nasr-allah-zadeh, three Sunni prisoners in the Raja-ee prison have been sentenced to death.
6. 5 Baha’is citizens from the city of Mashhad have been sentenced to six months imprisonment, in the charge of propaganda against the regime by promoting the Baha’i faith and on Saturday 17th November they were transferred to Vakil Abad prison to start their service.
7. Hamed Ahmadi a Sunni prisoner in Ghazal-Hesar prison, who was in the fifteenth day of his hunger strike, has fainted due to low blood pressure and the authorities are refusing to send him to the clinic.
8. Hussein kazemaini borojerdi, a clergy critic and a political prisoners at clergy ward of Evin prison, has been suffering from various diseases and denied of appropriate treatment.
9. Security organs, by creating pressure have at least prevented two Sunni Mosques from Friday prayers in Mahabad in West Azerbaijan province.
10. Following the attacks by the security forces on friary of Ghadery Kasenzany Dervishes, fifteen people were arrested.

Press and cyberspace
1. Eight web-loggers including a woman accused of “insulting Islamic sanctities and values” were arrested by security forces in the city of Rafsanjan in Kerman Province.
2. News suggests that Darius Poursaid, chief Police of Information Exchange of security force (feta) of Bushier province, announced the arrestment of a 16 year old blogger. He further added that the teenager, whose name had not been released, “has participated in propagating and promoting vulgar west culture”.

Other human rights violation
1. Ali Moezzi an elderly political prisoner in central penitentiary prison of Karaj, who suffers from kidney and bladder problems, has been denied of medical care.
2. In the past few weeks, hot water at the political section of Evin prison has been disconnected.
3. Taghi Karroubi the sun of Mehdi Karrubi, the former presidential candidate said that his father is under treatment for digestive problems since last week. According to the same report Mr Mehdi Karrobi also suffers from lack of osteoporosis due to lack of access to sunlight.