Weekly report on Human Right Violation in Iran (30-11-2013)



Responses to Human Rights Abuses in Iran
1. On Friday 22nd November 2013, Mohammad-Hassan Yousef-Pourseifi, a political prisoner in section 350 of Evin prison, went on an indefinite hunger strike in protest against his lack of medical treatment.
2 .Esmaeel Barzgari, an Azerbaijani artist and a political prisoner who is currently in section 350 of Evin prison, has been on a hunger strike for over 30 days. Last week, which coincided with this political prisoner’s thirtieth day on hunger strike, over 40 political prisoners of section 350 expressed their concerns over Esmaeel Barzgari’s situation.
3. During the past week, following the complaint made against his judgement by Sohail Babadi, a prisoner in section 350 of Evin prison, this prisoner was immediately transferred to the solitary confinement in section 240 of Evin Priosn. Mr Babadi spent 227 days in solitary confinement in section 2A of Evin prison whilst being under severe stress, by being verbally insulted, physically abused, and had his family threatened. The charges made against this prisoner in Evin Prison were “Blasphemy”, “Assembly and collusion against national security”, “Insulting the Imam and leadership” and “Propaganda against the regime”.
4. Mothers, spouses and children of convicts who have been sentenced to death for drug trafficking, gathered in front of the Islamic Consultative Assembly, and demanded a reduced sentence for the convicted. The protesters were approximately 30 in number.
5 .RasulHeidar-Zadeh went on a hunger strike in protest against Esmaeel Barzgari’s transfer to solitary confinement. Mr Heidar-Zadeh warned about Mr Barzgari’s critical health condition, and announced that he will not stop his hunger strike until Mr Barzgari is transferred back to section 350 of Evin prison.
6. More than 300 social and cultural activists of Isfahan in an open letter to the judiciary chief demanded immediate release of Dr Seyed Ali AsgharQaravi.
7. Amnesty International, on the 100th day of Hasan Rohani’s government inception, has announced that despite Mr Rohani’s promises during the presidential campaign, human rights in Iran has still not been given high priority.
8. According to reports, following the hunger strikes of Abdulfatah Soltani, Amir Khosro Dalir Sani, Saeed Madani and Mahdi Khodaee, four political prisoners in Evin Prison, the prison officials of this and Rajai Shahr prison have started addressing the situations of the some sick prisoners and the demands of hunger strike prisoners. Simultaneously, Canada’s Human Rights prize was given to Abdulfatah Soltani the in jailed lawyer.
9. Last week following the death of 10 men and one woman in Ghazal Hesar Prison, 1800 prisoners of section 2 of the prison have gone on hunger strike.
10. With commencement of investigation on the killing of the 18 years old girl in Baneh by the security force at the military court of Saqqezthe, the MP of the city admonished the interior minister on this mater.

Universities and academics
1. Reports from the University of Science and Technology of Tehran indicate the ban of a student publisher and summoning of 19 students to the Disciplinary Committee and 5 female students to the Accommodation Affairs Office to sign pledges.

Workers and vulnerable communities
1. On Saturday 23rd November 2013, in continuation to the second round of protesting, once again, 700 workers of the Polyacryl factory in Isfihan gathered in the factory courtyard.
2. Last week, Ibrahim Danesh, the representative of the workers of “Rangin Cotton” factory in Semnan, announced the delay of 3 months salary payment of 50 official workers and 5 months salary payment of 25 contract workers of the factory.
3. On Saturday 23rd November 2013, Reza Shahabi, a labour activist prisoner was transferred to the medical infirmary of the Evin Prison due to his severe illness.
4. Approximately 800 workers of the ‘Chadormalu Mining’ in Ardakan, stopped working and gathered and protested against the unfair payments and dismissal of the Secretary of Labour Union in mining industry.
5. on 26th November 2013, Hossein Ali Shahriari, the representative of Zahedan city in parliament announced that “The unemployment rate in the province of Sistan & Baluchestan has increased by 50 percent and has caused serious problems for those with family”.

Sentences: death, flogging, amputation, imprisonment and detention
1. On Saturday 23rd of November, Haj Rashid Rigi, a person convicted of murder, was executed by hanging in central prison of Zahedan city. The prisoner had been arrested 11 years ago and was sentenced to death by the court.
2. On Thursday 21st of November, in Central Prison in the city of Yazd, the sentence of 6 people accused of drug trafficking was announced.
3. Furthermore, on Sunday 23rd of November, a person accused of murder and sexual assault was hanged in the city of Khenj in public.
4. On Sunday 24th of November, one of the prominent reformist activists by the name of Sajedeh Sorkhi daughter of Feizol-allah Arab-Sorkhi was arrested.
5. On Tuesday 26th of November, Hashem Khastar, a retired teacher was summoned by the the Revolutionary Court in the city of Mashhad and arrested. He has been sent to the official prison of Mashhad city.
6. On Wednesday 27th of November, three individuals accused of drug trafficking and sexual assault were hanged in the city of Bandar Abbas.

The rights of the followers of ethnic minorities – prisoners of conscience in Iran
1. Six members of Sunni prisoners on hunger strike in Evin Prison are reportedly in poor condition. One of the prisoners was severely beaten because of no apparent reason.
2. In this past week, the physical condition of kasra Noori, a Humar Rights activist with a focus on the dervishes, has been reported as weakening. He is a fellow political prisoner of Majzobane Noor. Over the last month, he has suffered from severe back pain. According to the prison surgeon at Adel Abad prison, he suffers from a herniated disc and nerve spasms. He shoud be taken to the hospital to have photographs of his waist in order to receive treatment.
3. On Sunday 24th of November, Keyvan Dehghani, a Baha’i resident in the city of Esfahan, was sentenced and moved to Vakil Abad prison in Mashhad.

Press and cyberspace
1. On Wednesday 27th of November, reports indicate that 24 women and 21 men around Velenjak near the city of Tehran were arrested by the police due to arranging the meeting using Facebook.

Other human rights violations
1. Security forces have denied mourners to right to commemorate the fifteenth anniversary of the killing of Dariush and Parvaneh Forouhar on Friday morning which was supposed to be held in December in there house.
2. On Saturday 23rd of November, Farhang Poor Mansour, after a four-day hunger strike and as well as having a plaster wrapped around his head, he was beaten by a number of security forces and transferred to solitary confinement.
3. Yashar Darolshafa, who was transferred to hospital for M.R.I scan, has been returned back from hospital following stoppage by the officer in charge without any scan being done.
4. Despite being the 14th years of Saeed Zeynali imprisonment, the authorities have been keeping silence.