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Iran faces a top contender in World Cup groupings

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With less than six months to the 20th World Cup, hosted by Brazil, last night’s draw to determine the competing groups placed Iran in Group F along with Argentina, Bosnia Herzegovina and Nigeria.

Argentina is one of the top contenders in the games, and Nigeria is among the strongest African teams. This is Bosnia’s first appearance in the World Cup Games.

Iran will face Nigeria on June 16 in Curitiba and six days later it will face Argentina in Bello Horizonte. Their third game will be in Salvador against Bosnia on June 25.

The Iranian team did not make the 2010 World Cup games and was last in the games in 2006.

Group A consists of Brazil, Croatia, Mexico and Cameroon, and Brazil is expected to breeze through it easily to the next stage.

Group B has world champion Spain pitted against the Netherlands, Chile and Australia.

Group C with Colombia, Greece, Ivory Coast and Japan is considered an even grouping.

Group D has Uruguay, Costa Rica and Italy, while in Group E there are Switzerland, Ecuador, France and Honduras.

The United States is in Group G facing Germany, Portugal and Ghana; and finally in Group H, Belgium, Algeria, Russia and South Korea will compete.

Radio Zamaneh