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Devotee Dervishes were summoned to Semnan Intelligence service

Intelligence Agency of Semnan City summoned and interrogated some of the Gonabadi Dervishes of this city because of publishing their Iraqi war injury documents in one of the human rights sites.

According to Majzooban Noor reporter,Semnan’s security officers questioned  some of these dervishes by phone or in person and put them under pressure to express the reason of releasing  their injury documents and to disclose the names and identities of those who provided the documents and filed a complaint against them in their jurisdictions . It should be mentioned that after the destruction of Shariat Hosseinieh in Qom City, religious extremists tried to show that Gonabadi Sufis are an isolated group and opponents of religion and Iran’s national interests. Some of the families of martyrs and war veterans of the revolution in order to  enlighten public opinion published their documents  in a web log to indicates that although they are Sufis, they are Muslims and that they are the people of this nation as their other countrymen have social and legal rights.
Now after 6 years of starting this web log, it seems that the Intelligence Agency has found that against the government benefits.