The Second Letter of Complaint From Imprisoned Dervishes Against Judge Salavati to the Court of Judicial Discipline

salavati etelaata


Seven imprisoned lawyers and Gonabadi Dervishes rights activists at ward 350 of Evin prison, have lodged their 2nd letter of complaint to “The Court of Judicial Discipline” in which they have demanded investigation into judge Salavati ‘ violation of law.

According to Majzooban Noor, these Dervishes have pointed out in this letter that: “they have repeatedly called on judge Salavati to observe the laws of disciplinary proceeding”.
In the letter Dervishes addressed the Court of Judicial Discipline and wrote: ” they have complained against judge Salavati as not observing the principles of trials and many other violation by him, have made to officially complain against him for the second time. After the first letter of complaint was sent, judge Salavati increased his aggressions and injustices and now he is committing more new violation”.
These Dervishes who are spending their 3rd year of imprisonment, in this letter, they layout the violations of judge Salavati: ” the judge has not ever read the verdict before a fair copy in written, the blatant mistakes in the content of written verdict shows his ignorance. Incompetency to carry out the law, heavy punishments more than what is lawful, issuing verbal verdicts and illegal accusations and superficial bills of indictment, use false dates on written judgments’, issuance of final punishment verdict against the law, order to transfer prisoners from section 350 to section 209 of Ministry of Intelligence detention for 3 months, prohibiting any contact with the authorities, or to have phone contact with or meeting family members. Interfering with the accused medical and treatment problems after the verdicts are issued. Interfering on the way of wearing prison uniforms, using handcuffed and shackled when transferring prisoners to justice and medical centers, not dispatching the prisoners’ cases to the authorities for legal procedure”.
These violations are some of judge Salavati’s illegal actions are written in the 2nd letter of complaint from Gonabadi Dervishes to The Court of Judicial Discipline.
At the end of the letter, it has been hoped that “The Court of Judicial Discipline on the basis of just judgment could bring this unjust Book to an end and settle and seal this case for ever”.
It must be reminded that these Gonabadi Dervishes who are being held in ward 350 of Evin prison on Dey 1392 ( January 2013) -After transfer of them from illegal detention in ward 209 of Inteligence service- lodged their first letter of complaint against judge Salavati to The Court of Judicial Discipline.
Hamid-Reza Moradi (Dervish and human rights activist), Mostafa Daneshjou ( lawyer and human rights activist who his law license was revoked due to defense of Dervishes), Farshid Yadollahi Farsi (lawyer and human rights activist), Amir Eslami (lawyer and human rights activist), Omid Behroozi ( lawyer and human rights activist who his law license was revoked due to defense of Dervishes), Afshin Karampour (Juristic and Dervish rights activist), Reza Entesari (photojournalist, documentarian and Dervish rights activist) have signed this complaint letter. They have been sentenced to a total of over 60 years imprisonment by judge Salavati.