Tag: Imprisoned Dervishes

Illegal order of judicial authorities to separate two imprisoned dervishes in Nezam prison of Shiraz

  Deputy Director of prisons of Fars province in a visit to Nezam prison ordered to separate Mr. Salehedin Moradi and Kasra Nouri, the two Gonabadi imprisoned dervishes, in this jail.Majzooban Noor adds that the deputy of prisons of Fars province said to these two dervishes, “the separation order of you two has been notified […]

The Imprisoned Dervishes Stopped Hunger Strike and Announced this in a Letter; Congratulations to Brothers Who Are our Friends and Brothers Who Are Opposed to Us on the Eid.

  According to Majzooban Noor, on the eve of Eid al-Adha (feast of the sacrifice), the imprisoned Dervishes announced the end of their hunger strike saying “We do not want to make our brothers and sisters, who are all members of one soul, to suffer even more”.    Part of their letter reads: “The security-oriented […]

What happened yesterday in Evin meeting room? The imprisoned Dervishes did not come to the meeting room: Visit the injured Dervishes, They are our family

  Accompanied by 50 Gonabadi Dervishes, the imprisoned Dervishes’ families came to the meeting room in Evin Prison to visit their loved ones yesterday morning on 1 Mehr 1393 (September 23, 2014). In his meeting with the 8 imprisoned Sufis, the head of Evin Prison rejected the Deputy Prosecutor General’s claim of not being aware […]

NCRI: Imprisoned Dervishes on hunger strike demand justice

  In a statement entitled ‘The Will’, Gonabadi Dervishes imprisoned in Iran who continue their hunger strike that began on August 31, call on freedom-loving people to bring to justice the Iranian regime’s authorities involved in torturing prisoners. Some member of the group of nine striking Gonabadi Dervishes being held in Tehran’s Evin Prison and […]

Imprisoned Dervishes Have Written Their Testaments; “Goodbye”

    The imprisoned Dervishes held in Evin prison in Tehran and Nezam in Shiraz, by publishing their testament in address to the Dervishes and all free men and women worldwide call for justice and trail for all perpetrators and officials of the oppression and cruelty toward followers of mysticism and Path of God. According […]

Imprisoned Dervishes Appreciate Mehdi Karroubi’s Perseverance

  The son of Mehdi Karruobi, Moammad Hossein Karruobi met with imprisoned Gonabadi Dervish lawyers, Hamid Reza Moradi, Mostafa Daneshjou and Afshin Karampour who have been transferred from the prison to Shohada eTajrish Hospital due to their ill health.As reported by Saham, in this meeting Mohammad Hossein Karroubi said “My father always asks about the […]

The Second Letter of Complaint From Imprisoned Dervishes Against Judge Salavati to the Court of Judicial Discipline

  Seven imprisoned lawyers and Gonabadi Dervishes rights activists at ward 350 of Evin prison, have lodged their 2nd letter of complaint to “The Court of Judicial Discipline” in which they have demanded investigation into judge Salavati ‘ violation of law. According to Majzooban Noor, these Dervishes have pointed out in this letter that: “they have […]