NCRI: Imprisoned Dervishes on hunger strike demand justice



In a statement entitled ‘The Will’, Gonabadi Dervishes imprisoned in Iran who continue their hunger strike that began on August 31, call on freedom-loving people to bring to justice the Iranian regime’s authorities involved in torturing prisoners.

Some member of the group of nine striking Gonabadi Dervishes being held in Tehran’s Evin Prison and a prison in city of Shiraz have refused to take their medicine for the past week.

The striking dervishes said in their ‘Will’: “The enemies of religion and law are torturing us to death under the cover of religion and enforcing law. We shall not die from this hunger strike rather we will be killed.” “It is our will that all freedom-loving people of the world, especially our Nematollahi Gonabadi brothers pursue that those responsible for torture fully face justice.”

The imprisoned dervishes have been subjected to severe pressures by the Iranian regime’s henchmen in recent years.

In addition to physical torture, on many occasions, they have been transferred to solitary confinement or prisons where dangerous inmates are held. The henchmen have forcefully shaved the mustaches of the imprisoned Dervishes as a humiliating punishment.

The striking prisoners Messrs. Hamidreza Moradi Sarvestani, Afshin Karampour, Farshid Yadollahi, Reza Entesari, Amir Eslami, Omid Behrouzi, Mostafa Daneshjou, Mostafa Abdi and Kasra Nouri are demanding the release all members of dervishes’ community from prisons and that the authorities of the regime to be prosecuted for years of violating their rights.

The Iranian Resistance calls on all international bodies and human rights organization to adopt effective measures to save the lives of the striking dervishes and to address their demands.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 11, 2014