Weekly report on Human Right Violation in Iran (06-01-2014)



Responses to Human Rights Abuses in Iran
1. On Sunday 29th December 2013, nine political prisoners held in section 350 of Evin prison who were prevented from taking part in master’s degree examinations in Payame Noor University by the prosecutors and prison officials, filed a complaint to the Government Employees Court against the officials who denied them of their right of education.
2. Last week, for the first time since the start of Sunni prisoners’ hunger strikes that started 57 days ago in Evin Prison, the Deputy of the Political Court of Tehran and the head of the Prosecution Office of Moghaddas Evin called Torag went to meet and negotiate with these prisoners.
3. On Tuesday 31st December 2013, three political prisoners from section 350 of Evin Prison refused to eat, after being sent to the solitary confinement.
4. The coincidental attack to Dr Seyyed Mostafa Azmayesh’s office in Paris and Nasrin Sotoudeh, the winner of Sokhorof Prize’s house in Tehran. Dr Seyyed Mostafa’s interview with Shahram Miriyan gives further details of the attack that took place in his office.
5. Naavi Pillay, the United Nation High Commissioner for Human Rights says that uncovering of the extensive spying by governments into the privacy of citizens could pave the way for a great development for privacy protection on online world.
6. On Saturday 28th December 2013, the website SolhNews, announced that during the past 4 years, 311 lawyers have either been imprisoned or fled the country.

Workers and vulnerable communities
1. Several miners of DarrehZaar of Pariz in the city of Sirjan, in the province of Kerman by gathering in front of government building of the city, protested against delayed payments. In this gathering more than 40 local mine workers of DarrehZaar pointed out that: “the income they receive from working in this mine is very low”.
2. Last week on Saturday 28th December, nearly 100 workers of the Damavand power plant in reaction to disregard of their previous protest’s demands, once more gathered in front of the main entrance of the power plant.
3. Siamak Malak Nayeb, the head of contract workers union of Abadan refinery, informed of three-month delay in payment of salaries and insurance-based of the contract workers of three companies at the exporting port of Mahshahr

Sentences: death, flogging, amputation, imprisonment and detention
1. According to the reports received, Ahmad Shahrezaie, a student activist of the University of Yazd, who in 2010 for a year and a half was imprisoned, on Saturday morning 28th December, in order to pass the new charges on him, presented himself to the Evin Prison and was sent to the Quarantine section of the prison.
2. On Sunday 29 December, Kurosh Zaeem, a member of the national, in the ward 2 of Evin court was explained his charges based on multi-pages of documents presented by the Ministry of Information.
3. Mehdi Mousavi and Fatemeh Ekhtesari, two contemporary poets have been under arrest for more 24 days.
4. On Monday 30th December 2013, Hosein Rostami was hanged in the central prison of Zahedan.

The rights of the followers of ethnic – prisoners of conscience in Iran
1. Last week, Saber Mamdi and Nazmin Heidari, have been sentenced to life imprisonment by the criminal court of the city of Salmas. The charges are cooperation with the Free Life Party of Kurdistan “Pejhak”.
2. During Christmas celebration, 5 Christian converters by the names of Ahmad Bazyar, Fa-eghe Nasr-elahi, Mastaaneh Rastgaari and Amir Hosein were arrested in one of the private churches in the East of Tehran. The oppression, repression and brutality on Christian converters continue.
3. On Saturday 28th December 2013, the 20 months imprisonment for 3 Baha’i citizens was confirmed by the appeals court in Semnan city. The one year imprisonment of Ardeshir Faniah was reduced to 8 months and the 9 months imprisonment of the two other Bahai citizens, Golrokh Firouzian and Shid-rokh Firouzian was reduced to 6 moths.
4. Mohammad Najjar a Sunni detainee along with few other Sunni students who were released after 18 months of detention, were summoned to the ministry of Intelligence and Information and were threatened and beaten up.
5. Six Sunni prisoners sentenced to death in Ghezelhesar prison on the 55th day of hunger strike are suffering from vision problems and haemorrhage of kidney. Hamed Ahmadi, who is one of the hunger striker, has a haemorrhage of kidney and is no longer able to urinate, and hence is in a dangerous condition.
6. Seven Arab citizens of Shadegan village were arrested by security forces during the past few days. It is said that these arrests were made following their conversion to Sunnism, but so far their families have not officially been informed of the charges.
7. It is more than a month since detention of a Baha’i citizen called “Manouchehr Kholoosi” by the intelligence officers of Mashhad and there is no information on his condition.
8. It is five months since Mokhtar Rahimi, Shahram Ahmadi, Kaveh Veysi, Kaveh Sharif, Talib Maleki and Behrooz Shah-Nazari, the six Sunni prisoners who were sentenced to death in ward 350 of Evin prison, have been banned from the meeting their families.
9. In continuation to the pressure on churches in Iran and shutting down of churches with mostly Persian speakers Christian, the holy Peter’s Church in Tehran has shut down its doors to the Persian speakers believers and newly Christian converts.
10. Arash Sharifi Sunni prisoner sentenced to death at Kashan central prison was transferred to Evin prison.

Other human rights violations
1. Prison officials in Raja-ee Shahr have chosen a person as the head of the Political and Ideological ward of the prison, who is in the sanction list of the Europe Union because of human rights violations.
2. On Thursday 27th December, in the absence of Mohsen Armin, a prominent member of the Islamic Revolution Mujahidin Organization of Iran and his wife, official Iranian Revolutionary Guards went to their house. The objections of their two daughters and being alone in the house did not stop them from entering the house. The officers, after presenting a search warrant started their investigation and videoing the house.
3. Sotudeh’s family after returning from a trip, found their house being broken into and their belonging stolen. In recent days presenting the Sakharov’s prize to her in Greek Embassy in Tehran created lots of controversy in the media.
4. Zatollah Nikzad, the head of historical heritage of Maybod announced that a quarter of historical Babak’s complex has been destroyed to make a Quranic school by a person, who has been supported by one of the official governors of the city.
5. According to the reports received, Security forces prevented holding a memorial service for Nelson Mandela in Ershad Friary.
6. Since 7th of December there has not been any information on Hashem Shabani and hadi Rashedi, two prisoners who were sentenced to death
7. According to the news received, on Sunday 29th December when Saeed Mateen Pour was in need of medical care, the Evin prison’s officials