Weekly report on Human Right Violation in Iran (13-01-2014)



Responses to Human Rights Abuses in Iran
1. On Saturday 4th January 2013, the political/ideological prisoners of the section 350 of Evin prison who had refused to eat food in objection to the transfer of four of their cellmates to the solitary confinement in section 240, found out that the prison officials had broken their promises and this resulted into disruptions in the section 350 of the prison.
3. During the past week, Seyyed Mostafa Tajezadeh, wrote a letter addressed to the head of the judiciary, requesting his public court appearance to be in the presence of a jury.
2. The families of four hunger striker prisoners in Ghezel-Hesaar Prison, who are sentence to death, began hunger strike in support of their loved ones. On Saturday 28thDecembre 2013, the Families of Haamed Ahmadi, Kamaal Malayi, Jamshid Dehghani and Jahangir Dehghani, visited them in the prison, and began their hunger strike after witnessing the poor health conditions of these prisoners.

Workers and vulnerable communities
1. Habibollah Mohaghegh, Labour Home Secretary in the city of Semnan, informed of the closure of the Semnan Tile Factory and hence the unemployment of 150 workers, and added that: Six months’ worth of wages and insurance premium of the workers have not been paid.
2. Last week, Asghar Manfard, the head of the Islamic council of workers in zone 2 of the city of Abadan, informed of the 8 month non-payment of outstanding claims of 200 council workers of the region.
3. The representative of workers of Kamyab Sugar Mill Factory has informed of the gathering of a group of workers in front of Khomeini Governorship in Isfahan on Tuesday 7th January.
4. Karim Sadeghzadeh Executive Secretary of Tabriz Labour House spoke of gatherings of the workers of the Industrial Machinery of TeraktorSazi in Tabriz in front of east Azarbayjan’s Industries and Mines, protesting against 8-month delay in the payment of their wages.
5. On Tuesday 7th January Parveen Mohammadi, an independent labour activist announced that 200 workers of Automobile factory “Raniran» had lost their jobs and their name were passed to the Unemployed Insurance Fund Office
6. News indicates that the municipality of Sanandaj has fired 200 workers of district 1, 2, 3 and Baharan district.

Sentences: death, flogging, amputation, imprisonment and detention
1. According to the reports received, after sending text messages to a number of representatives including to Gholam-ALi Hadad-Adel requesting for the freedom of prisoners resulted in arresting one citizen with charge of propaganda against the regime. Mohammad Mataji who sent the text message three months ago to those who claim to be the representatives of the public, was arrested on 24th December and after 5 days of interrogation in the police station, was transferred to the Branch 350 of the Evin prison.
2. On Saturday 6th January, a young person from the city of Miyandro, who had been accused of murdering a young man approximately four years ago in the city of Sarri, was hanged in the Sarri Prison.
3. On Sunday 5th January 2014, Javad Aboo-ali accused of insulting the Supreme leader and propaganda against the regime, was sentenced to 26 years imprisonment and transferred to the prison of Behbahan.
4. On Tuesday 7th January 2014, a prisoner accused of murder was hanged in the Gachsaran prison.
5. The prosecutor of the city of Ghazvin, Esmaiil Sadeghi -Niyaraki has announced that on Tuesday 7th January 2014 three prisoners accused of drug trafficking were hanged in the central prison of the city of Ghazvin.

The rights of the followers of ethnic – prisoners of conscience in Iran
1. Bagher Gholami (naami) a Sunni activists from the city of Ahvaz was arrested by intelligence ministry officials, accused of arranging various meetings for spreading Salafi thoughts, hostility towards Shia Religion, tendency to Salafi’s ideas, cooperation with foreigners and disrupting national security through the publication of Salafi thought.
2. Jamshid Dehghan, Kamal Malayi and Hamed Ahmadi three Sunni prisoners in Ghezel-Hesar prison who are in their sixty third day of hunger strike lost consciousness on Saturday 4th January due to their physical weakness.
3. Last week, Hossein Saketi-Aramsari a christian citizen was sentenced to one year imprisonment by the Islamic Revolution Court of the Karaj city.
4. Iranian government military forces in the city of Sardasht killed a young Kurdish person in the city and then dragged his body on the ground in the city. The murdered young Kurdish man was named Saman Khezri.
5. Afshin ENtezari, Fakhrodin Ghafoor, Naseh Hoseinpoor and Vafa Ayeli, four Sunni prisoners who are still in solitary confinement of the intelligence ministry office of Oroomiyeh city, are in a poor living condition and in limbo.

Press and cyberspace
1. According to the news received, on Sunday 5th January the hearing sessions of Bahar Newspaper and Shahrvand Emrooz weekly magazine was held in the branch 76 of the penal court in the city of Tehran with the presence of a jury. The charges of the Bahar Newspaper are promoting prostitution and vice, publishing obscene and immoral pictures, propagating against the regime, spreading articles against Islam, a creating friction between social groups, insulting Islam and its sanctities, spreading rumours and lies, in which the jury’s verdict agreed on six out of seven of the charges.
2. Heshmatolah Tabarzadi, Iranian journalist and secretary of the Democratic Front for serving the remainder of his sentence was summoned by the prosecutor. He was managing editor of publications “Student Message”,”Student Voice “,”Our Identity”and “Daily Report”.

Other human rights violations
1. One of the prisoners of the Central Penitentiary of Karaj has indicated that: “recently, with the start of the cold season, infectious diseases have increased inside the prison. Prior to this, diseases such as tuberculosis, hepatitis and AIDS were very common in the Central Penitentiary prison of Karaj, but as the cold spell started the situation has worsened.
2. Zaneyar Moradi, who suffers from spinal pain, is still deprived of proper treatment.
3. On Monday 6 January, Assadolah Assadi, after complaining against the prison guards were beaten by the officer in section 240 of the prison using electric shocker.
4. According to the news received, Tehran Provincial Court Chief Public Prosecutor threatened the political prisoners and their families about passing information to the media. Koda Bakshi, the Attorney representative of Tehran while visiting some of the prisoners in section 350, threatened the prisoners by emphasising that if their names appear in any news web-sites, they would banned from visiting their families for a long period.
5- A review meeting on Fatemeh Hashemi charges was held on Wednesday 8th January, behind the closed doors at Tehran’s revolutionary court. She was taken to the court because of the statements she made about events in the parliament.
6-Minoo Mohrez, Head of AIDS Research Centre of Iran on Thursday 9th January, has indicated that the number of children with HIV and hepatitis is shocking and horrifying.
7- It is three months since Evin prison’s authorities have banned Dr Hani Yazerloo a political prisoner from seeing physicians of outside clinics.