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A political prisoner got heart attack and transferred to hospital



Mashallah Hae’ri, the old prisoner of Rajaei Shar prison, has been transferred to Day hospital, after a heart attack, while being handcuffed and shackled.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Mashallah Hae’ri was transferred to prison clinic and then by physician’s medical order, on an emergency form to Imam Khomeini hospital, after his ears and nose were bleeding, on February 13.

A close friend of him told to HRANA’s reporter: “Mashallah Hae’ri was transferred to hospital on handcuff and shackle and in a very offensive way. The next day his family got the transfer permission from prosecutor.”

This informed source continued: “Prison authorities ignored the prosecutor’s order and denied the direct transfer of Mashallah Hae’ri to Day hospital and stated that he should be transferred to hospital from Rajaei Shahr prison.”

Then Mashallah Hae’ri was returned to Rajaei Shahr prison and again got heart attack on January 21.

Finally, this prisoner has been transferred to Day hospital and received proper medical treatments but the officers refuse to relive handcuff and shackles still.

Mashahllah Hae’ri is 68 years old and was arrested during 2010 presidential election events and sentenced to 15 years in prison on charge of having contact and relationship with opposition groups.

HRANA News Agency