Radio Farda’s Interview with Dr Seyed Azmayesh – Free the political and religious prisoners in Iran.



Published on Feb 11, 2014
The International Organization to Preserve Human Rights in Iran (IOPHRI): Free the political and religious prisoners in Iran.
Following the series of demonstrations in various cities of Europe, on Saturday 8th February 2014, the IOPHRI performed another demonstration in Berlin, to defend the rights of political and religious prisoners in Iran. The people who participated in this protest had masks of Mir-Hossein Mousavi, Zahra Rahnavard and Mehdi Karroubi on their faces.
The head of the IOPHRI, Dr Seyed Mostafa Azmayesh who also attended this demonstration and was interviewed by Shahram Miriyaan from Radio Farda, and made the following statements:
Dr Azmayesh the head of IOPHRI: The main mission of this demonstration is to make an international awareness about the critical and dire condition of political and religious prisoners in Iran, such as Dervishes, human rights activists and lawyers and specifically Zahra Rahnavard, Mir-Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi, who have been illegally under house arrest for the past three years, their situations have not been clarified, and their legal case has not been judged fairly. For this reason, it is extremely important for people in the world to know about their inhumane situations.
Shahram Miryan From Radio Farda: Now that you are participating in this demonstration, what are the conditions of the imprisoned and sick dervishes?
Dr Azmayesh the head of IOPHRI: It has been a long time since Dervishes have been in Tehran and Shiraz Prisons’ and their critical health conditions have been ignored by the authorities. Hamid-Reza Mordai-Sarvestani and Mostafa Daneshjoo, lawyers and human rights activists, require urgent surgeries due to being in prison for a long time without any health care, however this has been denied by Judge Salavati . Also Kasra Noori’s health condition in Shiraz Prison is very critical. Families and relatives of these prisoners are under great psychological pressure, and this situation is continuing.
Shahram Miriyan from Radio Farda: Are families of these prisoners allowed to visit their loved ones at least once a week?
Dr Azmayesh: The prison authorities use this method of not permitting families to visit their loved ones, as a torture, and are constantly putting them under pressure. These families are being told that if they were to make a complaint against the authorises or to make interviews with any media, they will be forbidden from visitations and even phone calls with their loved ones. By this method, the prisoners and their families are under constant pressure.
For these reasons, it is not clear whether families of prisoners are allowed to visit their loved ones or not. Therefore, the members of IOPHRI will continue to perform such demonstrations in various cities of Europe, Canada and America, in order to make awareness against this injustice, and the human rights violations.