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Concerns about Health of Jailed Dervish Hunger Strikers; Our Strike Is Resistance Against Gradual Death



Since Tuesday, refusing to take medicines while on hunger strike has led ill Dervishes to deteriorating situation.
Dervish Prisoners say: ” Our strike is resistance against the gradual death which are imposed on us by Iranian judiciary officials.”
According to a report by Kaleme, highlights imprisoned ill Dervishes’ situation in Evin’s ward 350 are as follows:

Hamid-Reza Moradi Sarvestani
A 52-year-old Dervish who is suffering from artery occlusive disease, lower leg pain and severe abdominal pain. Moradi was remained in uncertain situation for more than three and a half months in Shohada e Tajrish hospital and just 2 weeks ago he was taken to Tehran Heart Center. A few days before his sudden return to Evin prison, Angiography was performed on him. He was also nominated for “open heart surgery” which has been suspended after being sent back to prison. Thus the patient who must immediately go to the hospital for cardiac surgery, submissively refusing to eat, putting himself at extremely high risk of death.

Mostafa Daneshjou
A 32-years-old Dervish, that the common warning signs and symptoms of his respiratory disease (Asthma) are chest pain, shortness of breath and persistent cough. In the past four months that he was in hospital, he has to use Oxygen masks for a large number of hours a day. This patient currently has to breathe in such a crowded, dirty and filthy environment of prison and even has no access to an inhaler which is the most common way of taking asthma medicines. This lawyer along with Hamid-Reza Moradi has been in uncertain situation for more than three and a half months in Shohada e Tajrish hospital and just 2 weeks ago he was transferred to Tehran Heart Center. One day after he was taken into custody, his angiography had been scheduled to review all available information about his blocked coronary artery. Now he is refusing to take his heart and lungs drugs.

Afshin Karampour
A 44-years-old Dervish, has sudden, excruciating pain in his lower back and kidney which is so severe that he is unable to move. He needs help with walking or moving around and can’t go to the bathroom without the help of other inmates. As he is on hunger strike refusing to take painkillers.

Amir Eslami
A 35-years-old Dervish, who is suffering from chronic heart failure also suffers from severe migraines. He has to endure hunger and sleeplessness that cause him massive pain. Now as he is on hunger strike, he is refusing to take painkillers.
according to the reports, in addition to the above mentioned Dervishes, Omid Behroozi and Mostafa Abdi in Evin prison, Farshid Yadollahi and Reza Entesari in Rajat-Shahr prison, Kasra Nouri in Fars’s Nezam prison and Abdolghafour Ghalandarinejad in Bandar-Abbas prison have gone on hunger strike.