Weekly report on Human Right Violation in Iran (18-03-2014)



Responses to Human Rights Abuses in Iran

1. The United Nation Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, said that Hassan Rohani’s Government has not fulfilled its obligation since freedom in Iran has not improved. Ban Ki-moon expressed his concerns over the large increase of the number of executions in Iran.
2. In protest against the prison official’s inhumane encounters with the prisoners, Saeed Masoori refused to go to the medical treatment centres, and Heshmat-ollah Tabarzadi refused to go to the Attorney.
3. During the past week, Gholam-Reza Khosravi-Savaadjaani, a political prisoner held in section 350 of Evin Prison, started a hunger strike to protest against the lack of medical care and treatment for sick prisoners and repeatedly being insulted, accused, and exiling political prisoners.
4. Bahnam Ebrahim-Zaadeh, also known as As’ad, a labour activist started a hunger strike in support of Dervishes who are currently on hunger strikes, and to protest against the lack of medical care, and the continued abuse by the judicial authorities towards prisoners.
5. On Monday 10th March 2014, seven prisoners from section 350 of Evin Prison, refused to visit their family and their loved ones, in order to protest against the lack of medical proceedings and treatments of political prisoners.
6. Furthermore, more than 2000 Dervishes in Iran have said that they will all start a hunger strike in their own home, in order to show their support towards the nine imprisoned Dervishes who are also on hunger strikes.
7. Nasrin Sotoudeh, A lawyer and former political prisoner issued a statement calling for unconditional release of Dervishes imprisoned and other political prisoners. This Human right lawyer who had gone on hunger strike for many days for her own legal rights when she was imprisoned, in this statement she’s written that the Iranian officials instead of addressing their attention on prisoners legal demands which is the minimum right of a prisoner they have exiled the prisoners which by any basic understanding of the law, the prisoners should be free without any excuse.
8. Narges Mohammadi a spokeswoman for Human Rights Defenders on Saturday 8 March 2014 met with the European Union foreign affairs and Security policy chief, Ms. Catherine Ashton.
Due to the criticism from the different authorizes and objecting to their meeting. Following the criticism Narges Mohammadi told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that she was invite with several other women rights activist for the meeting which she did nit see any problem with the invitation of meeting Ms. Catherine Ashton.

Women’s Rights
1. In the previous week Mahdieh Farahani Women’s Rights Activists during a summons to second branch court called the “Shaheed Moghadas” (Evin) was summoned. In the past she was already summoned twice for creating propaganda against the regime and being a member of Feminist and opposition group.
2. Furthermore on Thursday 6 March a group of women activists gathered on the International Women’s day in Tehran. This gathering carried out by Citizen Women’s Association” and “Muslim women’s Institute”. The gathering was carried out in a two-part, a lecture and acknowledging the families of the political and religious prisoners.
3. Saturday the 8th March Maryam Naseri, a women’s Rights defender and activist was arrested in Sanandaj by the police security forces.

The rights of ethnic and religious diversity in Iran
6. On Thursday 6 March, The security forces arrested Hadi Bait Sheikh Ahmed who is citizen of city of Ahvaz. The reason for his arrest is due to converting his religion form Shiism to Sunnis.
7. The Authorities of Karaj Prison seized the Bible of Pastor Behnam Irani in the prison.
8. On Monday 10 March, Jafar Cheldavi a citizen from Ahvaz who recently converted to Sunni religion was arrested.
9. In the city of Babolsar, a Bahia student Setayesh Asadi was expelled from the University because of their religious beliefs.

Workers and vulnerable citizen
1. 3 months salaries of 130 workers of the ECC Company have not been paid due to lack of financial resources.

Students and Universities
1. On Sunday 9 March 2014, a large group of students from Ya-souj University protested against the action of the security forces who had arrested a student on charges of reading poetry. In this protest, they demanded the dismantling of the security environment by the security forces and the immediate release of the student who has been imprisoned.

The Sentences: Execution, Flogging, amputation, imprisonment and custody
1. On Wednesday 5 March 2014, the arrest warrant for Saeed Razavi Faghih, a former member of the consolidation of unity office was issued by the Attorney General and Revolutionary Court of Hamedan due to speaking in the reformers conference.
2. On Sunday 9 March 2014, Ebrahim Hamidi, the chief justice of Sistan and Baluchestan province announced that three of the main suspects in the assassination case of Zabol Attorney have been sentenced to death.
3. Furthermore on Monday 10 March 2014, a 28 years old man who had murdered a wife and a husband with the collaboration of a friend, was hanged in the central prison of Mashad city.
4. Reyhaneh Jabbari, who had been sentenced to death by hanging on charges of a murder, has found out that her death sentence has been confirmed by the head of the Judiciary. Considering that her case is in the process of being implemented by the court, it is possible that Reyhaneh Jaberi could be hanged at any moment.
5. Reports suggest that on Tuesday 11 March 2014, an unknown afghan citizen was hanged in the Rajayi Prison of Karaj city.
6. Seyed Hosein Faali, one of the members of the office of Ayatollah Seyed Sadegh Shirazi, who is one of the critics of Islamic republic of Iran, was arrested in the international Imam Khomeyni Airport.

Press and cyberspace
1. Abbas Ibrahimi the Chief of police of city Jeeruft announced that they have arrested a blogger. It was stated that his bloggs were unethical. He also said the people who creat bloggs or websites which makes other people unhappy will be indentified and prosecuted.
2. 401 journalists in a letter to Ali Jannati criticized the policies of the Press Office of the Ministry of Culture.

Other Human Rights violations
1. Recently, a fungal disease has been spread in Orumieh’s Central Prison and 60 percent of the prisoners of that ward have been infected.
2. Furthermore, Mehdi Khazali has announced that recently he has been charged by Esfahan prosecution for insulting officials and disturbing public order.