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Russia Says Deal With Iran To Follow UN, Not U.S. Rules

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Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov says that a possible barter agreement between Moscow and Iran would follow UN sanctions rules and not U.S. rules.

Siluanov said on April 11 in Washington, where he is attending an International Monetary Fund/World Bank meeting, that Russia acts on “the basis of decisions made by the UN that set sanctions” and that Washington’s legislation “differs somewhat” from the UN provisions.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew had warned Russia on April 10 that any oil-for-goods deal Moscow might reach with Iran could trigger sanctions and said the U.S. has “serious concerns” about such a Russian-Iranian deal.

Last week, the Reuters news agency reported that Iran and Russia are discussing a multi-billion dollar deal in which Moscow would provide equipment and goods to Tehran in exchange for Iranian oil.

Based on reporting by Reuters and AFP