Weekly report on Human Right Violation in Iran (07-04-2014)



Responses to Human Rights Abuses in Iran

1. On Friday 25th March 2014, during the conference of UN Human Rights Council, Ahmad Shahid was voted by the majority of UN members to carry on as the rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran for the following year 2014-2015. Ahmad Shahid’s mandate of the monitor was renewed for another year in a 21-9 vote, with 16 abstentions. It is worth mentioning that he and other members of the UN human Rights council have not yet been given permission to visit the Islamic Republic of Iran since Ahmad Shahid started his career as the special rapporteur on Human Rights in Iran three years ago.

2. Mohamad Amin Andollahi, a political prisoner in the Tabas Prison, was denied leave and transferred to solitary confinement. The mentioned prisoner has gone on a hunger strike due to being denied leave from the prison. His imprisonment continues as ordered by the prosecutor of the Tabas Prison.

3. During the past week, on Amnesty International’s annual report, it was announced that apart from China where there is not an exact figure on the number of executions, 80% of the world’s executions in the year 2013 has took place in the three counties, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Iraq.

4. On Friday 25th March 2014, the Amnesty International announced that they are concerned about the upcoming executions of two Ahwazi Arabs with names of Ali Chabishat and Seyed Khaled Mousavi.

5. On Tuesday 1st April 2014, Amineh Ghaderi, the mother of Zaniar Moradi a political prisoner who has been sentenced to death wrote a letter announcing that the sentence of her son and his former fellow inmate Loghman Moradi is unfair and demanded their freedom. Zantiar and Loghman Moradi are currently in the Rajayi Shahr Prison.

6. On Thursday 3rd April 2014, Arash Mohammadi, a student activist in Tabriz Prison began a hunger strike in support of the demand of Shahrokh Zamani based on transferring him back to the political ward of Rajayi Karaj Prison.

Women’s Rights

1. Last week, the head of Association of Islamic Councils of Ghazvin city announced that “holding signed blank cheques of workers as a grantor, in order to force them to keep silence when their rights are denied is a common practice.

The rights of ethnic and religious diversity in Iran

1.On Wednesday 26 March two kurdish citizens Loghman Ahmadi the son of Hefz-Allah and his wife Mahin form the village of Liloos in the city of Salmas, were interrogated, threatened and severely been beaten by the Intelligence Office of this city.

2.On Sunday morning 30 March, intelligence officers referred to the house of Nava kholoosi a Bahai citizen in the city of Mashhad and arrested her.

On the same day, the intelligence officers also arrested her sister Nika Kholoosi, who was in the city of Babolsar with her mother and father for the new year holidays.

3.On Sunday 30 March Molavi Abdolmajid, a Friday prayer leader and one of the Sunni leaders in Iran, demanding the freedom of all the mentioned religious in the constitution .

Workers and vulnerable citizen

. 1 A representative from the Islamic Council Association of Workers in Gilan Province has stated: although about 60 percent of this province’s agriculture is being run by women, women farmers do not have any social support or protection.

The Sentences

1. Reports indicate that on Saturday 29th of March 2014, Mohammad Noorizad, a film and documentary maker, announced the severe beating of Amin Ahmadian after his arrest in front of the Pakistani Embassy, who is also Bahareh Hedayat’s husband.

2. On Monday 31st of March 2014, Omid Rahmani, an ordinary prisoner held in the central prison of Orumieh was sentenced to three months and one day in prison on charges of communication with political prisoners confined in this prison and propaganda against the regime.

3. Furthermore, last year 65 Kurdish civilians were given the death penalty by hanging according to the Prisons Association, which is part of the judicial service of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Other Human Rights violations

1. On Monday morning, 31st of March 2014, the prison officials from the central Oromia prison captured prisoner belongings and destroyed notes and books while inspecting ward number 12.

2. Abbas Nejad Azerbaijan, the Director of Environmental Protection, said that the drought affecting Orumeh Lake will get worse.

3.According to the Director of Water and Sanitation in all urban and rural areas, the current water quality is close to a red line. The official in charge spoke of the problem of water contamination and the need to transport water to distant places.

4.Two days after the courageous speech of Nasrin Sotodeh in Khozestan province last week, she has been contacted by Dezful intelligent service and was summoned with her host unlawfully and disrespectfully.

5.According to the news, Yaghob Maleki the air force pilot who is in prison is in a bad health condition.
