Mohsen Rahmani arrested for raising a poster sentenced to 7 years



Activist Mohsen Rahmani who was arrested by security forces for raising a Mir Hossein Mousavi poster at a Hassan Rouhani presidential campaign rally on June 1, 2013, has been sentenced to 7 years imprisonment.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), during imprisonment at Ward 209, Rahmani was under severe pressure and torture. Rahmani’s release was delayed by Ward 209 officials, despite bail having been set and posted, due to his body bearing signs of assault and torture. He was eventually released on bail after 50 days in Ward 209.

His case was later tried at Branch 28 of the Revolutionary Court, presided by Judge Moghayeseh, which led to sentencing him to 7 years imprisonment.

On his Facebook, Rahmani described the charges on which he was convicted on as, “Insulting the Supreme Leader and Imam Khomeini in cyberspace, assembly and collusion with intent to act against the national security through cooperation with A.E. and the anti-revolutionary media, propaganda against the Islamic Republic and disturbing peace and order in a presidential election campaign rally by disorderly conduct and chanting slogans in support of the sedition leader.”

HRANA News Agency