Weekly Report on Human Right Violation in Iran (22-04-2014)



Responses to Human Rights Abuses in Iran

1. On Tuesday 15th April 2014, Arash Mohammadi and Ayatullah Mehr-Ali Bigloo, two political prisoners held in central prison of Tabriz, started a hunger strike in protest against the persecutions of the families of political prisoners by the security officials.
2. Mahmood Fazli, a prominent Azerbaijani activist, and one of imprisoned leaders of the Yenigamoh party, started a hunger strike on Thursday 10th April 2014, in objection to his letter of complaint not being presented to the court.
3. Last week, Ahmad Shaheed, the United Nation Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Iran, said that the death sentence of Reyhaneh Jabbari for murdering a former intelligence officer is unfair, and called for review of file and re-trial of the case.
4. Reporters without boarders issued a statement, supporting the resolutions by the European Parliament, and demanded Iran for the unconditional release of imprisoned journalists and bloggers.

Workers and vulnerable communities

1. On Saturday 12th April 2014, an employer of Pars Carpets factory in Alborz Ghazvin city informed of the four months delay in salary and insurance premium of 80 workers of this carpet manufacturing plant.
2. The native cattle grazers of Salmaas have been banned from grazing from 20th March until further notice. The reason for this is most likely due to the presence of opposition armed forces.
3. One of Gylana Tiles factory workers spoke of delayed payments in wages for13 months and in the festive right of 148 of his colleagues and added that the manufacturing plant in this factory has been stopped since November.
4. Chinese drilling companies in Azadegan and Yadavaran oil fields are engaged in working at the plant. They have signed unfair contracts with Iranian workers and treat the workers inhumanly.

Sentences: death, flogging, amputation, imprisonment and detention

1. According to the reports, the barrister of Meysam Ebadi who died in the civil unrest of 2009 has read the report of the courts on Meysam Ebadi’s case. According to him court’s decision was that the case of Mr Ebadi will remain open until the arrest of the actual culprit. Meysam Ebadi was one of the very first and youngest people to have died in the green movement who was shot by a military bullet and died on 14 June 2009.
2. Abdolsamad Khorramshahi the layer of Masoumeh Atai said: the file of vendetta on eye on his defendant M.Atai has been issued and a sum of money has been indicated as a payment charge for causing the injury.
3. Furthermore on Saturday 12 April Mahmoud Alizadeh Tabatabaei the lawyer of Amir Hekmati, an Iranian-American citizen has confirmed to be10 years imprisonment. Amir Hekmati has been accused of spying and cooperating with the hostile government of America.
4. Masoud Shamsnejhad, a barrister and former professor of Payam Noor University in the city of Urumiyeh, who in the past few years has been the attorney of a number of political prisoners, his attorney license was suspended two months ago. This happened after he started investigating the murder case of Sheida Hatami, and furthermore he has been accused of propaganda against the regime and being member of PKK and hence possibility of being sentenced to imprisonment.
5. Received news indicates that last week, security officers arrested tens of political and civil activists in the city of Ahwaz.
6. A 13 years old child from the city of Ajib-Shahr, in the province of the East Azarbaijan, was arrested and transferred to the Prison on charges of murdering his friend during playing game.
7. On Thursday 13th of April, Mohsen Ghashghayizadeh, who was summoned to court, was arrested and transferred to the Evin Prison. It is worth mentioning that he was initially arrested on Tuesday 30th October 2012 in the House of Ahl-e-Ghalam along with 70 others, including Mehdi Khazali.
8. On Wednesday 16 April, the defence attorney of Mohsen Mortazavi, the victim of Acid attack, announced the death sentence of the culprit as part of vendetta.

Followers of the rights of ethnic diversity – of conscience in Iran

1. 7 Sunni prisoners in Rajai prison of Karaj, despite serving more than four years in prison are in limbo. The seven, Mamousta Farhad Salimi, Anvar Khezri, Seyed Davood Abdollahi, Khosroo Besharat, and Kamran Sheikha, Seyed qasem Abasteh and Ayoub Karimi after their arrest in February 2010 had been transferred to solitary confinement in Orumieh city Intelligence Office and spent eight months in solitary confinement.
2. Hekmat Safari, a conscript serving in the Army and from Yarsani group, due to pressure and insults to his beliefs from his leaders, committed suicide. The body of the Yarsany soldier, who was from ”Ghaleh Zanjir Ghalkhani village”, was buried on Tuesday 8th April 2014.
3. On Saturday 12th April 2014, Ali Moazzami-Fard one of Gonabadi Dervishes from Damghan city and was employed by the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee was dismissed due to his belief to Gonabadi path. Ali Moazzami holds weekly religious congregation in his house.
4. A number of political prisoners in the central prison of Zahedan were deprived of benefits in the prison after sending a letter addressed to the United Nations and European Union Foreign Office.
5. Furthermore, in the wake of increasing economic pressure on the Baha’is of Semnan city, on 8th April 2014, place of business (optical shop) of Afrasiyab Sobhani, a Baha’i prisoner was shut down and sealed by the housing department of Semnan without providing any reason.
6. Anvar Khezri, Kamran Shikhe and Khosrou Besharat three Sunni prisoners in Rajai Shahr who are held in prison in limbo for more than four years on Sunday 13th April 2014, were tried at the Karaj Revolutionary Court.
7. Seyed Javad Mortazavi, a Gonabadi Sufi dervish, residing in Bandar Abbas due to his affiliation to the Gonabadi dervishes has been failed the security check to join maritime by the security organizations.
8. Habibollah Latifi, a Kurdish political prisoner in Sanandaj prison is facing the death penalty.
9. Seyed frzad Hossain, a Kurdish Sunni prisoner has been transferred to an unknown location from Rajai prison of Karaj.

Other human rights violations

1. It is over two months that number of Azerbaijanis in connection with the international day of native language have been arrested and imprisoned in Akbar Abad Tehran and even so the authority of even prison and prosecution have not informed their families of their cases.
2. After fall of part of historic castles of Kerman Golbaf, the deputy head of the Cultural Office of Kerman indicated that small shallow repair works and recent rainfalls were the main cause of damage to many historic buildings in the city of Kerman.
3. Despite, nearly a year after suspicious death of Afshin Osanloo in Rajaee prison of Karaj and complain of his relative, the authorities have failed to investigate his case.
4. According to the news physical conditions of Mir Hossein Mousavi and Zahra Rahnavard are very poor and the authorities are delaying to deal with their health issues.
