Iran warns Libyans to shun hegemonies


The Islamic Republic of Iran has called on Libyans to maintain national solidarity and prevent the hegemonistic powers from interfering in post revolution Libya. The Islamic Republic of Iran congratulates the Muslim people of Libya on the latest developments which arose from their movements and resistance, said a Tuesday statement by Iran’s Foreign Ministry.

Iran respects the rightful demands of the Muslim Libyan people who threw out colonialist powers from their country in the past and now are protecting their revolution through vigilance, the statement added.

The popular uprising in Libya underpinned the necessity to meet popular demands and respect the public, it went on to read.

Tehran further cautioned Libyans to remain alert on the advances made by the former colonialists that seek dominion by making ’empty claims.’

The Islamic Republic of Iran has supported the popular move in Libya since its inception and opposed foreign intervention, and the killing of innocent people in the African country, the Iranian foreign ministry pointed out.

It also expressed hope for the Libyan people to direct their revolution into the path of independence, national unity, dignity and development.

Iran voiced readiness to transfer its experience to the Libyan people to achieve freedom, human dignity and progress, the ministry said.
Source : PressTV