Weekly report on Human Right Violation in Iran (29-04-2014)



Responses to Human Rights Abuses in Iran

1. Following the reports published by Click, about the attack of security forces towards section 350 of Evin prison, which lead to the injuries of at least 30 political prisoners, the Amnesty International urged the Iranian authorities of Click to address the physical conditions of the injured prisoners and provide medical facilities to the wounded.
2. During the press release on Thursday morning 25th April 2014, The Secretariat of Human Rights Activists in Iran urged the judicial authorities to put an end to the mistreatments of the political prisoners, transfer of injured prisoners to hospital, payment of compensation for the endured body injury and financial loss and upholding fair trial, in order to ensure the immediate and guaranteed release of the prisoners.
3. After Shahrokh Zamani was transferred to Rajaei Shahr Prison he ended his hunger strike. Then after, he was transferred back to the dangerous prisoners section, where he started his hunger strike again.
4. Since last week, AyatMehr Ali Bigloo, an Azerbaijani political activist held in central prison of Tabriz, started a hunger strike to protest against bad treatments, summoning and arresting members of families of political prisoners, the excessive harassment of prisoners, such as exiling of political prisoners, prevention of prisoners to be transferred to prisons near their hometowns, searching house of prisoners in a violent manner, creating fear among the families of prisoners, and refusal to give leave to the prisoners.
5. The Afghan foreign ministry spokesman objected and expressed his concerns towards the execution of four of their citizens in Iran.
6. On Tuesday 22nd April 2014, a group of families of political prisoners held in section 350 of Evin prison, accompanied by a number of political and civil activists, as well as a number of citizens staged a protest by forming a gathering in front of the presidential and the judicial offices. These protests took place in objection towards the incident that happened on the Black Friday which lead to the arrest of the following three people: Nada Saboori, Milaad Poor-Eesaa, and Sohraab Saalehin.
7 .Yashar Daar-al-Shafaa, and DavarHosseini-Vojdan, two prisoners who were, both transferred from the solitary confinement of section 240 to section 350, have decided to continue their hunger strikes, along with 32 other prisoners, in order to protest against the incident that took place on the Black Friday.
8. Atieh Taher, wife of Saeed Matin-Pour, declared a hunger strike on 23rd April in support of her husband who is one of the political prisoners who was beaten and transferred to solitary confinement on Thursday 17th April to section 350 of Evin Prison.
9. Mother of Davar Hoseinivojhdan one of political prisoners in section 350 of Evin Prison in support of all political prisoners declared a hunger strike

Women’s Right’s

1. Last week Alireza Heidari, a labour law expert said that the current law on Women’s Employment does not have any guarantee to be enforced and this has simply led to pregnant woman being fired from work after child-birth. Mr Heidari mentioned that current conditions for working women determinates the foundation of the family and added: in families where women are compelled to work to support themselves, such laws will prevent establishment of families and any population growth policies to be practiced.
2. Furthermore, Zahra Zahtabchi a social researcher despite being held in section 209 of the Evin Prison for 6 month is in limbo.

Workers and vulnerable communities

1. Nearly 500 employees of Mobile manufacturing company JLX were fired from work
2. Furthermore last week Reza Ahmadi the chairman of the employers association of Stone cutting in Esfahan Province said: as a result of closing 20 stone cutting factories in the city of Dolat Abad of Esfahan, at least 200 workers lost their jobs last year.
3. One of “Nakh Alvand” workers informed of the redundancy of 45 employees in the unit. The reason was given by the employer was that they are not needed anymore.
4. 60 workers of the Oroomiyeh’s Sunshine factory have not received their wages for the past 10 months and due to the increase in requesting social help by the workers from the social security branch of the same organisation, the organisation have refused to renew their social security insurance.
5. About 400 workers of the Ahvaz Pipe factory have gathered outside the factory to protest against the three months delay in their payment and lack of receiving any bonuses for the New Year.

Sentences: death, flogging, amputation, imprisonment and detention

1. According to the reports, on Thursday 17 April 2014, 100 security forces including members of the security organisation of the Evin Prison attacked the political prisoners in branch 350 of Evin Prison. During the attack, they inspected the belongings of the prisoners while filming the entire process. As a result of that, number of prisoners reacted and objected strongly to the action of the security officers which lead to physical confrontation and serious injuries of many prisoners and transfer of more than 30 prisoners to the solitary confinement of Branch 350 of Branch 240 of Evin Prison.
2. Three people accused of terrorising attorney of Zabol, who were deprived of having a defence lawyer in court and hence subsequently were sentenced to death, were transferred to the Zabol prison to be executed.
3. Furthermore, Jamal Agoushi, son of Mohamadamin Agoushi, accused of propaganda against the regime, following his one year imprisonment sentence, was summoned to the court. It is worth mentioning that the reason behind his sentence and arrest was because of his contact with the Human Rights Organisations, requesting to follow up his father’s situation that was in the central prison of Zahedan at the time.
4. On Saturday 19 April 2014, Rasool Fakhireh, accused of drug trafficking was hanged in the central prison of Zahedanin.
5. News suggests that on Monday 21st April 2014, Hossin Nourani-Nejad a member of Participation Front who was recently returned to Iran, was detained.
6. On Monday 21st April 2014, three young people who had been convicted of murder during the three separate incidents were hanged in the central prison of Mashhad.
7. On Tuesday dawn 22nd April 2014, five prisoners accused of murder on the campus of Rajai Shahr Karaj prison were executed by hanging.
8. Ismail Kahram the Chief advisor of the “environmental organization” in Iran indicated that the death sentence of the four environmentalists who are incarcerated in Yasooj, Behbahan and Kerman city prisons, have been approved by the Court of Appeal.

Followers of the rights of ethnic diversity – of conscience in Iran

1. Sonia Ahmadi, a Baha’i from Mashhad who was earlier released from prison with a promise of complete freedom, had to present herself to Vakilabad prison to complete her sentence.
2. On Friday morning 18th April 2014, Masoud Javadi, Namegh Daldel, Mohammad Rasouli-Zadeh, Mohammad Mohammadi and Ibrahim Rasouli, the five Sunni captives from Boukan city had been arrested by security forces of the Ministry of Intelligence. These five have history of being arrested for their religious activities and were recently being released from prison.
3. Last week Naima Bozorgzadeh, a Balochi citizen has been murdered by a group of people, who have been named as Asha-eeri Basiji by his relative.
4. Three young sunny believers by the names of Abdul Rahim Chana, Suran Fatehi and Abdul hady Azarm, were arrested by security forces in Mahabad and were taken to an unknown location. They were arrested and detained for religious activities.
5. During last week active 11 sunny Arabs from Ahwaz have been detained.
6. On Tuesday, 22nd April, five Ahwaz Arab citizens named Habib Cilahuh, Habib Chayan, Hussein Chabishat, Karim Chayan and Saladin Chabishat were sentenced to six months in prison in the Revolutionary Court.
7. The court in City of Yazd, issued a total of 78 years imprisonment to 20 Baha’is citizens.
8. On Thursday 17th April, Omid Behruzi, one of the Dervishes held in Section 350 in the bloody attack in Evin prison was seriously injured. He was being held in Evin prison’s infirmary with hand calves to the bed.
9. The Kurdish sunny prisoners in Raja shahr prison in a letter to the security forces condemned the raid of Thursday 17th April to ward 350 of the Evin prison.

Other human rights violations

1. Deputy Commander of the Social order Police in Qom have reported the arrests of 100 thugs during an operation overnight in Qom.
2. furthermore, on Wednesday 23rd April, following the deterioration of physical condition of Mohammad Sadigh Kabudvand, he was transferred from the Solitary confinement of ward 240 of Evin Prison to the prison infirmary.
3. Hossein Ronaghi Maleki, a jailed political prisoner in ward 350 of Evin prison, following the deterioration of his physical condition was transferred to the prison infirmary.
