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Hossein Ronaghi Maleki’s Father: Their Ultimate Intention Is To Kill Hossein


 On Monday August 23, blogger and human rights activist Hossein Ronaghi Maleki, was once again taken to a hospital outside of Evin prison.

Despite recommendations by the physicians for Hossein’s need to be hospitalized and treated outside of prison, he was taken back to Evin after a short series of tests were performed.

Ahmad Ronaghi, Hossein’s father told Jaras news site, “Today, Hossein was taken to Hasheminejad hospital for a series of tests and CT scan, but he then was returned to prison.

O judicial authorities, hear my voice, my son is seriously ill and needs to be under physicians care, he will lose his life in prison.

My son has had two surgeries. He has lost 80% functionality in one kidney and 20% in the other kidney.
He needs to be under physician care.

He is now suffering from kidney infection, he has burning sensation during urination, he has severe pain in his kidneys and his gallbladder. My son has a serious health condition and his situation is dire.

I have repeatedly written to the judiciary officials and have pleaded with them to grant Hossein medical furlough so he could be under special care.

We have not received an answer from the Prosecutor yet. I thank the Prosecutor General for allowing Hossein to be taken to the hospital, but now I ask him as a humanitarian act to allow him proper treatment.”

Mr. Roghani pointing out the influence and interference by the Intelligence Ministry’s agents in the denial of a medical furlough to his son, says, “Agents from the Intelligence Ministry have said, despite recommendations by physicians, they will not allow Hossein to leave prison, even if the Prosecutor approves his furlough, they won’t allow it. Their ultimate intention is to kill Hossein.

Judge Pirabasi’s office manage Mr. Satari is the person responsible for sabotaging my son’s case. Even Judge pirabasi takes orders from Mr. Satari.

There are some issues involved that I won’t talk about now, however, if they continue with their pressures and continue ignoring my son’s health and the danger that his life is in, I will reveal everything and will reveal the real reason behind all the pressures that they inflict.

My wife and I have repeatedly been threatened by them. They even attempted to kill me once but were not successful.

All of these actions are because we answer our phone calls (speak with the media), we pursue his case and we inform the public.”

It should be noted that, in a recent letter from Hossein Ronaghi Maleki to the Prosecutor General Jafari-Dowlatabadi, he pointed out the illegal actions and interference by IRGC agents in the denial of his medical furlough and also all the hardships in ward 350 in Evin prison.

In his letter Hossein wrote, “Dear Prosecutor, my silence to date was due to my decency. I tried to avoid resorting to the leverage of the media and public opinion to obtain the rights that you speak about.”

Hossein’s father, emphasizing the point that not for a moment will he stop demanding his son’s rights, adds, “Pursuing Hossein’s case is my duty, not because he is my son, but because he is “innocent” and he has been prosecuted on trumped-up charges.

I will not for a moment stop demanding Hossein’s legal rights and will continue to seek justice for him. We are Muslims, and even in the Qoran it says we should always speak the truth and should defend our rights.

Everyone knows that my son has not done anything wrong, he is a human rights activist which is not considered illegal under the Constitution.

Once again, I emphasize, according to physicians, Hossein will lose his life if he continues to be kept under the existing conditions in prison and the authorities will be responsible for this and will have to answer to God.

Even if they (the authorities) are not held accountable in this life, they will have to answer and will be held accountable after resurrections.”

It should be noted that Hossein Ronaghi’s interrogators have demanded that Hossein write a letter of repentance and accept all of his charges as the condition under which they would grant him medical furlough.”
By persianbanoo
Source: JARAS