Weekly report on Human Right Violation in Iran (20-05-2014)



Responses to Human Rights Abuses in Iran
1. Ardeshir Amir-arjmand, senior advisor of Mir Hossein Mousavi, said that: “it seems the prevention of access to medical services for Mr Mousavi is a deliberate action”. Mr Amir-arjmand added that the Supreme Leader of Iran is responsible for Mr Mousavi’s condition.
2. On Saturday 10th May 2014, Ayat Mehr Ali Bigloo, an Azerbaijani political activist, held in central prison of Tabriz, passed his 26th day of being on hunger strike. The reason for this hunger strike is his objection to the threats, summoning and arresting of the family members of political prisoners and the excessive harassment of the political prisoners, such as exiling them and not agreeing to transfer the prisoners to prisons near their hometown, violent interrogation and creating fear among the families and finally the refusal of letting the political prisoners for a leave.
3. On Thursday 8th May 2014, a protest was held by the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium, in objection towards the violation of human rights in Iran. Ms Isabel Duran, a Belgian politician, and the deputy president of the European Parliament, took part in this protest, and expressed her concerns on the situation of human rights in Iran.

Women’s Rights
1. On Tuesday 6th May 2014, Setareh Daavari, a former student activist, and a member of the central council of the reformist association of Qazvin University, was arrested at her family home in Tehran by the security forces.

Workers and vulnerable citizen
1. On Saturday 10th May 2014 a Union representative of Iran East factory workers was fired from his job after having worked 10 years as a councillor. This was because of him persuading his colleague’s demands.
2. Mohammad Amani a member of labour council of the city of Qazvin announced on Sunday 11th May that 6 thousand and 34 formal workers and contractors in Qazvin province owe between one to 62 months of their salary.
3. Furthermore, two industrial units “Samiko Industry” and “Sina Mushrooms” which had been announced bankrupt 12 and 3 years respectively still have not paid their workers.
4. The Police Chief of Chalus, on Monday 12th May spoke of shutting down of eight traditional style restaurants in the city and added that: “these units were places for propagating varieties of crime and offences within the society”.
5. Furthermore in the previous week Mohammad Esmaiel Mohammad Salehi a worker at a cement factory in Dashtestan said: it has been 8 days that about 400 Dashtestan cement factory workers in response to the employer’s indifference to the workers’ request, have refused to eat in the factory’s canteen.

Sentences: death, flogging, amputation, imprisonment and detention
1. On Wednesday 7th of May, two people accused of drug trafficking and another accused of murder were executed by hanging in the central prison of Ghom
2. On Thursday 8th of May, a prisoner accused of murdering a police officer was executed in public in the city of Saveh.
3. Furthermore, on Saturday 10th May, a woman accused of murder was executed in the Rajayi-Shahr prison.
4. On Saturday 10th May, two prisoners by the names of Yaghoob Eshaghzehi and Khodanoor Daroon-parvar, charged with drug trafficking were hanged in the central prison of Zahedan.
5. Reports suggest that a journalist named Serajedin Mirdamadi who was summoned to the second branch of the Evin court on Saturday 10 May, has been arrested.
6. On Sunday 11th May, the Revolutionary Court of Islamshahr city issued one million Toman bail money for the two political activists by the names of Hamid Manafi and Mahmood Ojaghloo
7. On Monday 12th of May, Seyed Davood Rahimi ,who was transferred to the cell 52 in the 240 section of Evin prison because of being on hunger strike, was beaten by the guards and then taken to a hospital
8. On Monday 12th of May, the death sentence of 9 people charged with drug trafficking, was carried out in the Karoon prison in the city of Ahvaz.
9. Last week Ahmad-Reza Haeri the brother of Saed Haeri the political prisoner in the section 350 of Evin prison was arrested. The Ministry of Information have been threatening Ahmad-reza Haeri not to disclose the dire situation of the prisoners in the section 350 who had been beaten.
10. Mohammad Mataji and Mahin Alviri, two activists of the green movement, were sentenced to one an half years and 2 years of suspension imprisonments respectively, for sending text messages to a number of members of parliament including Gholam-reza Hadad Adel, requesting an end to the house arrest of the heads of the green movement.
11. On Wednesday 14th May, 4 prisoners accused of murder were executed by the judiciary order in the central prison of Uroomiyeh
12. On Tuesday 13th May, Majid Jalili-Ayan, a Salmasi citizen, was hanged in Orumieh prison on the charge of participation in murder and sexual assault.

Followers of the rights of ethnic diversity – of conscience in Iran
1. Tombstone of Mr Hekmat Safari, a Yarsani solder, who committed suicide because of insult to his faith, was confiscated and his family were not given permission to use the tombstone that they had prepared.
2. Hatem Dahimi and Abraham Dahimi two Arab political activists were arrested in Malashiah area. Mr Abraham Dahimi is one of the poets in Malashiah area and usually in ceremonies recites ethnic and political lyrics. Because of this, in the passed, he had been arrested many times.
3. In the past two weeks, 2 Baha’i residents from Tehran, called Elham Farahani, Shamim Naimi were arrested to be executioned.
4. Berezan Nasrollahzadeh a Sunny prisoner, who had been sentenced to death, was a juvenile at the time of arrest and hence the sentence against him is illegal.
5 .On Tuesday 13 May, Ahmad Karami, Nasser Zarei and Adel Mojarad three Sunnies in the town of Saghez were arrested by security forces.

Press and cyberspace
1. News received indicates that on Friday 9 May Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi at the meeting of heads of national Court told reporters that: “Alongside shutting down the newspaper, “Ghanoon” the Newspapers’ news website “Donna “was also banned”.
2. On Sunday 11th May the Director of the Centre for Art and Dawn of Ghanoon (Law), said that the site of Ghanoon was filtered when the newspapers Ghanoon was banned.

Other human rights violations
1. The Families of the political prisoners have been threatened by intelligence ministry to meet the European Union regarding the ward 350 issues.
2. Fartheremore, on Tuesday 13th May, Amanollah Mostaghim and Mohammad Banazadeh mostaghim, are facing neglect from prison’s authorities despite being in a dire physical condition.
3. The Evin prison officers are delaying sending members of freedom party to a hospital.