Female political prisoner denied medical treatment

 Political prisoner Farah Vazehan is in poor physical condition. She was taken to the hospital last Sunday after her condition deteriorated but was reportedly returned to prison because the head of the hospital refused to admit her due to a lack of beds.

Farah Vazehan who is suffering from various ailments was arrested during the Ashura protests in December 2009 and was sentenced to death by the Revolutionary Court. Her sentence was annulled after an appeal and her case was referred to the 28th branch of the Revolutionary Court headed by Judge Moqiseh where she was sentenced to 15 years of prison on charges of ‘enmity with God’.

This political prisoner who is suffering from heart ailments needs special treatment in [hospitals] outside of prison. Despite promises made to her family, she has been denied a medical leave. Farah Vazehan has to receive injected painkillers every other day in the prison infirmary but sometimes even these injections are not enough to ease her pain.


Source : Human Rights Activists in Iran