Weekly report on Human Right Violation in Iran 15th July 2014



Responses to Human Rights Abuses in Iran

1. The United Nation Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, said: punishment by hanging should no longer exist in the twenty-first century. Mr Ban Ki-moon requested all countries to take serious steps in abandoning the punishment by hanging.

2. On Thursday 3rd July 2014, Navi Pillay, the United Nation High Commissioner for Human Rights, told the reporters in a conference in Vienna, that the goal in the discussions between Iran and the top six powerful countries of the world is to reach an agreement on Iran’s nuclear program. However, they should consider addressing the human rights issues as well.

3. Mehdi Khaz-Ali who has been on a hunger strike for the past 22 days, is currently in the Emam Khomeini Hospital, and has not been given permission to have any visitors.

4. The Amnesty International, and the Human Right Defenders, urged the Iranian government to release Dr. Latif Hasani from the prison as soon as possible.

Women’s Rights

1. During the past week, Marzieh Rasouli, a critic journalist, was summoned to serve her two years imprisonment and 50 lashes. Marzieh Rasouli is charged with propaganda against the regime and disturbing the public order by participating in different assemblies and parties.

2. Furthermore, on Monday 7th July 2014, a labour activist spoke about the difference between wages for male and female workers, and said that the average wages of female workers in all occupational categories is less than the average wages for men in the same categories, and this difference has been imposed onto women by the society, and has forced them to accept the present situation.

3. Sajadeh Arab-Sorkhi introduced herself to the Evin Prison in order to serve her one-year imprisonment sentence. This reformist political activist is the eldest daughter of Feizollah Arab-Sorki. She was summoned for integration and her passport was seized after returning to Iran. Sajadeh Arab-Sorki is charged with “propaganda against the regime”.

4. On Thursday 10th July 2014, Mahmood Alizadeh-Tabatabayi, the lawyer of Mrs Saba Azar-pik, with regards to her indictment, announced that Saba Azar-pik has been charged with ‘propaganda against the regime’ and ‘disseminating lies’ by the attorney.

Workers and vulnerable citizen

1. Reza Shahabi, a labour activist and a political prisoner who has been on a hunger strike for over 35 days, is currently in a critical health condition.

2. On Monday 7th July 2014, more than 50 workers of the Liyaan Oil Refining and Trading, located in the Special Economic Zone 2 of Bushehr city were fired.

3. On Tuesday 8th July 2014, nearly 100 workers of the Zagros Steel Company, gathered in front of the social welfare of Administration co-operative of the Kurdistan province, in order to express their disagreements towards the uncertainty over the advertisement related to the official dissolution of this factory, as well as expressing their support towards the 274 workers who are currently in limbo.

Sentences: death, flogging, amputation, imprisonment and detention

1. Ramin Hossein-Panahi, a civil activist from the city of Dehgelani, was arrested for five hours by the Iranian revolutionary guards. Ramin Hossein-Panahi is the younger brother of Anvar Hossein-Panah who is a Kurdish civil activist.

2. On Wednesday 2nd July 2014, Ziba Mohammadian, the wife of a religious prisoner in the Evin prison called Ali Taheri, was arrested at her house.

3. Furthermore, after enduring 5 years of imprisonment sentence, Behzad Nabovi, a political prisoner was sentenced to 1 more year imprisonment by judge Moghisiyeh in the branch 28 of the revolutionary court. The court then converted the new sentence into a fine of 10 million rial.

Followers of the rights of ethnic diversity – of conscience in Iran

1. On Saturday 5th July 2014, seven Bahai’ citizens received their imprisonment sentences by the branch 1 of the Revolutionary Court in the city of Orumiyeh. Three of the mentioned seven have been sentenced to 6 years imprisonment, and the other four have been sentenced to 6 months imprisonment.

2. On Saturday 5th July 2014, three Christian converts who are members of a group known as the “Church of Iran”, were arrested in the city of Anzali.

3. Abdol-Rahman Sangani, a disabled Sunni prisoner who is sentenced to death, has been deprived from appropriate medical care.

4. Three citizens of Sanandaj by the names of Meyad Ahmadi, Ezat Golpari-Pour and Shahoo Heydari, have been given imprisonment sentences as well as fines, due to being accused of ‘acting against national security’ and ‘being in relationships with one of the Kurdish parties’.

5. On Tuesday 8th July 2014, the intelligence officers of Mashhad city, entered the home of a Baha’I citizen called ‘Saaghi Fadayi’, with his arrest warrant, and took him to prison.

Press and cyberspace

1. According to the reports, the chief police and the public safety forces of Lorestan city, announced that during the past week, 15 internet cafes in this province were shut down.

Other human rights violations

1. Seyed Mohammad Ebrahimi, a political prisoner in the Evin prison, has been suffering from nosebleeds for the past few months. However the prison’s medical centres have not yet provided any treatments for him.

2. Furthermore, the doctors and experts from the Ghezel-hesar prison have been warning about the dangerous health conditions of Hamed Ahmadi, Kamaal Malayi, Jamshid Dehghani and Jahangir Dehghani, who have all been on a hunger strike for the past 23 days.

3. A prisoner accused of kidnapping in the Bandar Abbas Prison recently passed away. According to the reports, he was suffering from a broken hipbone, causing internal bleeding, and his death resulted due to medical negligence.

4. The Organization for Civil Registration in Iran, announced that during the last nine months of the year 2013, over 30 thousand girls under the age of 15 were legally married.

5. According to the reports, Seyed Hojatollah Mosavi Ojagh, the councillor of the Kermanshah city, believes that ‘Many children are being exploited into buying and selling.

6. On Wednesday 9th July 2014, the Zaferani Bath, one of the historical baths called Asghar Madrese, which was being used until very recently, was demolished due to, corrosion, exhaustion and lack of finance.
