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EU slaps sanctions on Iran force accused of enabling Assad


 BEIRUT – The European Union imposed sanctions yesterday on the elite unit of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, saying the Quds Force is providing equipment and other support to help Syria’s president, Bashar Assad, crush the five-month-old uprising against him.


The sanctions broadened the international pressure on Syria by targeting its key ally Iran, which the United States and other nations have accused of aiding the crackdown.

The EU’s official journal said the Quds Force “has provided technical assistance, equipment and support to the Syrian security services to repress civilian protest movements.’’

Other new targets include Syrian generals and associates of Assad’s younger brother, Maher, who is believed to be in command of much of the crackdown. Hassan Turkmani, a special envoy for Assad, also was named.

The EU blacklist now contains 50 people and nine entities who face asset freezes and travel bans. Syria already is under broad US and European sanctions, but calls for stricter measures have been on the rise.

Human rights groups say Assad’s forces have killed more than 2,000 people since the uprising erupted in mid-March, touched off by the revolutions sweeping the Arab world.

Assad has shrugged off international condemnation and calls for him to step down, insisting that armed gangs and thugs are driving the violence, not reform-seekers.

Iran has offered unwavering support for Damascus, and there has been speculation it is providing funds to cushion Assad’s government as it burns through the $17 billion in foreign reserves that was on hand at the start of the uprising.

Yesterday, French Foreign ministry spokesman Bernard Valero called for stronger sanctions. Paris is also pushing the UN to adopt punishing measures against Syria. “France is determined more than ever to do everything to stop Syrian blood from being spilled,’’ he said.

Still, the crackdown continued. Tanks stormed Deir el-Zour and made sweeping arrests there yesterday, according to activists.

Syria has banned foreign media and restricted local coverage.

Source : Freedom Messenger