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Opponents of Sufism abuse the security and media power to crackdown the Dervishes

sufis 29sep04


The increase of summons of Gonabadi Dervishes to the police and security agencies, their detention for some hours to days in info detention centers and police stations, while Dervishes on the move from their residence in other cities to Tehran to attend the gathering of this Mystical Order, and also untrue news in anti-Sufi sites, all the mentioned above reveals a serious decision of some in the government to prevent the attainments of Dervishes to their demands.

According to Majzooban Noor, in addition to the bloody crackdown of failure gathering of Dervishes in front of the prosecutor’s center of Tehran by security forces, extensive presence of plainclothes people and troops equipped with devices to suppress the peaceful gatherings of Gonabadi Dervishes, is a clear indication of this intention in any way possible to inhibit the voice and complaints of Dervishes to be heard by the authorities, and also their attendance in key decision –making bodies and government.

Detention of Dervishes on roads by police stations
Eight Dervishes named Abdoul-Hossein Taghizadeh, Mahmoud Goudarzi, Majid Goudarzi, Jamal Khoshalzadeh, MajidVatani, GhasemNasiri, Mahmoud Nasiri, and Mansour Danaeifar, at the two-way of Tabas station to tehran, while heading to the capital to attend the gathering of Dervishes in front of the Justice Department were arrested, and then transferred to the Information Office of Ashkzar.
These eight Dervishes were arrested at 2 am on Sunday, and after fifteen hours for allegedly planning to attend the gathering, at 5 pm on Sunday after ending the gathering were released.

Citation to security agencies via sms and phones
One day before the gathering of dervishes, some Gonabadi Dervishes from Bandar Abbas, a southern province, named Nader Amiri Ghasemi, Sadegh Azadi, Aghil Karimi, were summoned to the security police via SMS and phone.
The message said; “with the order of prosecutor of General and Revolutionary Courts of Bandar Abbas, you are invited to attend the headquarters of the security police, in front of the Prayer Hall in Bandar Abbas, at 9 am, September 30, 2014.
Meanwhile in Tehran, the security forces went to the charity center affiliated to the Gonabadi Dervishes and warned the staff of the mentioned center not to pursue their legal demands, nor to participate in the gathering.
It should be noted that some members of this charity canter had earlier been beaten by the security forces on September 21 on Behesht St.