Jailed Journalist Ahmadi Amouyi completes sentence



Bahman Ahmadi Amouyi, a jailed Iranian journalist, has been released after serving out his sentence. Jila Bani Yaghoub, a prominent Iranian journalist and Ahmadi Amouyi’s wife, reported that Ahmadi Amouyi was released on Staurday October 4 with two days of delay.

Ahmadi Amouyi was arrested in the aftermath of the 2009 election protests in Iran and charged with acting against national security and propaganda against the regime for publishing articles in newspapers and on his own personal website.

Bani Yaghoub reports that the articles were critical of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s economic policies.

dBahman Ahmadi Amouyi went on several hunger strikes as he served his sentence in Evin Prison and Rejai Shahr Prison to protest against the mistreatment of prisoners by prison authorities.

Radio Zamaneh