Tag: Bahman Ahmadi Amouyi

Jailed Journalist Ahmadi Amouyi completes sentence

  Bahman Ahmadi Amouyi, a jailed Iranian journalist, has been released after serving out his sentence. Jila Bani Yaghoub, a prominent Iranian journalist and Ahmadi Amouyi’s wife, reported that Ahmadi Amouyi was released on Staurday October 4 with two days of delay. Ahmadi Amouyi was arrested in the aftermath of the 2009 election protests in […]

Jailed journalist releases report on political prisoners

  Jailed Iranian journalist Bahman Ahmad Amouyi reports that there are 1,000 political prisoners in Islamic Republic prisons. The Kaleme website reports that Ahmadi Amouyi, who was arrested following the 2009 election protests and has been serving his sentence in Evin and Rejai Shahr Prisons, published his report from inside the prison. The report adds […]