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Jailed activist in legal limbo starts hunger strike

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Iranian activist Ghoncheh Qavami has begun a hunger strike after 100 days in jail in protest to her undetermined state in Evin Prison.

The Kaleme website reports that on Wednesday October 1, Qavami started a hunger strike. She is no longer being questioned, and although her file has been referred to the Revolutionary Court, she is not being afforded due process, according to the report.

Goncheh Qavami’s mother has also reporter on her Facebook page that prison authorities have not been allowing her to meet with her daughter, even though the judge granted the parents permission to visit their child.

Goncheh Qavami was arrested in June for trying to enter Azadi Stadium to watch the volleyball game between Iran and Italy. She was released on bail then arrested again 10 days later.

Her lawyer has told ISNA that she is being charged with “propaganda activities against the regime.”

The first deputy of the judiciary has said that Qavami’s arrest has nothing to do with sports.

Radio Zamaneh