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Tag: Women’s Rights


  Sepp Blatter, the president of the international soccer organization FIFA, has publicly called upon the nation of Iran to end its ban on women in its stadiums, according to the Associated Press. The move comes about a week after a group of Iranian activists sent a letter to FIFA urging it to suspend Iran’s […]

FIFA chief criticizes Iran for barring women from sports matches

  The head of FIFA, Sepp Blatter, has spoken out against banning women from sports stadiums, urging Iran to end the prohibition of women from entering sports venues. In FIFA’s weekly magazine, Blatter says that when he travelled to Iran in November 2013, he encountered the ban on the presence of women in sports stadiums. […]

Labour minister decries women’s inequality in the workforce

  Iran’s labour minister says women’s rights in the workplace are not being fully observed and they are now being hired at lower wages compared to men. IRNA reports that Ali Rabii said on Saturday February 7: “Making cooperatives in towns and townships active could be a positive move in promoting the economic and social […]

Iran announces plan to accommodate female fans in sports facilities

The Iranian Ministry of Sports has reacted to public pressure and announced it has plans to designate a section of stadiums to female spectators. The ministry’s deputy for women’s sports, Robab Shahrian, told ISNA that the ministry will implement a new plan designating specific areas in stadiums for women to attend all athletic events. Shahrian […]

Two female prisoners in legal limbo intensify hunger strike

  Ghoncheh Qavami and Atena Faghdani, two Iranian political prisoners who have been on hunger strike for the past 11 days, are now also refusing water. The Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) reports that the two prisoners are being held in the Revolutionary Guards ward of Evin Prison and are now also refusing water […]

Extension of medical furlough denied for Bahareh Hedayat despite kidney stone surgery

  Bahareh Hedayat was summoned back to prison by the prosecutor’s office despite her need for aftercare after undergoing kidney stone surgery. According to Kaleme, political prisoner Bahareh Hedayat was finally granted medical furlough for surgery last week but was summoned back behind bars by the prosecutor’s office despite presenting medical documents stating her need […]

Activists urge volleyball group to support Iran’s female fans

  According to Radio Zamaneh, more than 130 women’s rights activists have written an open letter to the head of the International Federation of Volleyball demanding support for the right of women to watch volleyball matches in stadiums. Iranian authorities have been preventing women from entering stadiums in Iran to watch volleyball matches. The letter, […]

Rohani calls for answers on banning of women from stadium

  According to Radio Zamaneh, Iranian President Hassan Rohani has called on his Minister of Sports and his head of women’s affairs to find out why Iranian women were barred from entering a stadium to watch the volleyball match between Iran and Brazil. The Mehr News Agency reports that women’s affairs chief Shahindokht Molaverdi said: […]

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