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Human Rights Official: Ahmad Shaheed Not Allowed to Visit Iran for Biased Reports



Secretary of Iran’s Human Rights Council Mohammad Javad Larijani said Tehran has banned visits by the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights, Ahmed Shaheed, because he has only parroted the allegations made by Iran’s enemies, but Tehran will welcome independent rapporteurs if they prove no to be pursuing a biased attitude towards the Islamic Republic.

“Tehran is opposed to any visit by Ahmed Shaheed due to his invalid reports against the Islamic Republic,” Larijani said on Thursday.

Larijani, however, welcomed visit of the independent rapporteurs to Iran.

“Ahmed Shaheed has become a puppet at the hands of Iran’s enemies to spread anti-Iranian accusations,” he added.

Earlier this month, Larijani blasted Ahmed Shaheed for his support for the terrorist groups acting against Tehran, and said the UN rapporteur has turned into an actor providing service for the opposition media.

“Unfortunately, Ahmed Shaheed has become a media actor who acts for those media which air propaganda against the Islamic Republic, while this is against the approved protocols,” Larijani told FNA at the time.

“Ahmed Shaheed supports terrorism extensively,” he said, explaining that he has provided Iran with the name of four people claiming that they are due to be executed for their human rights activities.

“This is while these four individuals have been sentenced to death or other penalties for their membership in PJAK (Party for a Free Life in Kurdistan), they have killed people and their houses had turned into place for storing weapons,” Larijani said.

“It is a shame for the human rights rapporteur to label terrorists as human rights advocates,” he underlined.

PJAK, a militant Kurdish separatist group with bases in the mountainous regions of Northern Iraq, has been carrying out numerous attacks in Western Iran, Southern Turkey and the Northeastern parts of Syria where Kurdish populations live.

The separatist group has been fighting to establish an autonomous state, or possibly a new world country, in the area after separating Kurdish regions from Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Syria.

Iranian intelligence and security officials have repeatedly complained that Washington provides military support and logistical aids for such anti-Iran terrorist groups.
