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Family of Mostafa Daneshjou: “Judicial Authorities are Accountable for Physical Consequences”

مصطفی دانشجو


Mostafa Danshjou a lawyer of Gonabai Dervishes, who has been suffering from serious complications from a lung infection, that whose family has been striving a lot to warn the officials about his condition, two days ago, at the morning, was sent to the hospital but then has been returned with no medical attention.
Based on Majzooban Noor, this dervish rights activist and lawyer, was transferred to the hospital of Tehran Heart Center while the time of medical examinations related to lung problems and respiratory infections had been taken from another hospital(Shohada e Tajrish), and the result of medical examinations of the heart was to refer to a lung specialist immediately, and not any more action.
Judicial authorities, after 2 weeks of worsening the condition of Mr. Daneshjou about the lung infection and also strong recommendation by the prison doctor, at the time his dispatch to the hospital wrote down on the paper “for check-out only”.
The family of the mentioned dervish told the Majzooban Noor that “unquestionably, the judicial authorities despite the various received reports by the doctors of the prison about the condition of Mr. Daneshjou, still do not show any attention to the condition, thus, they will be accountable to physical consequences of delay in treatment.”
Mr. Daneshjou who has been sentenced to prison for seven and half years with the verdict of judge Salavati, with severe asthma are now in ward 8 of Evin prison in a room with a short celling, without ventilation, along with 25 people.