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Tag: Judicial Authorities

Illegal order of judicial authorities to separate two imprisoned dervishes in Nezam prison of Shiraz

  Deputy Director of prisons of Fars province in a visit to Nezam prison ordered to separate Mr. Salehedin Moradi and Kasra Nouri, the two Gonabadi imprisoned dervishes, in this jail.Majzooban Noor adds that the deputy of prisons of Fars province said to these two dervishes, “the separation order of you two has been notified […]

Judicial Authorities Reject Parole Requests of 70 Political Prisoners

  Judicial authorities rejected the request of seventy political and security prisoners, imprisoned in Evin prison to be released earlier. According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), a large number of prisoners in Evin prison, including 13 prisoners of ward 350, were imparted that their conditional release requests have been rejected. […]

Family of Mostafa Daneshjou: “Judicial Authorities are Accountable for Physical Consequences”

  Mostafa Danshjou a lawyer of Gonabai Dervishes, who has been suffering from serious complications from a lung infection, that whose family has been striving a lot to warn the officials about his condition, two days ago, at the morning, was sent to the hospital but then has been returned with no medical attention.Based on […]

Unlawful Interference of Judicial Authorities in Transfer of Two Ill Imprisoned Dervishes to Hospital

  Hamid-Reza Moradi and Mostafa Daneshjou, Dervish rights activists and managers of Majzooban Noor website, who are being held in Evin prison nearly 2 years are reportedly in dire health conditions.Hamid-Reza Moradi suffers from clogged arteries disease which is worrisome ( 70% Artery Blockage) and Mostafa Daneshjouis suffering from severe respiratory disease and asthma and […]