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UN Resolution on Human Rights in Iran Passes by 78-35 Margin



On November 18, 2014, the United Nations General Assembly’s Third Committee adopted a Resolution on the promotion and protection of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran with a vote of 78 in favor, 35 against and 69 abstentions.

The text of the Resolution calls upon the Iranian government to cease executions not in accordance with international law, including executions of juveniles, and calls on the government to end cruel and inhumane practices including stoning, public executions, and the use of flogging, amputations and other forms of torture.

The Resolution also calls on the Iranian government to cease discrimination against women and religious and ethnic minorities, and to stop the targeting and arrests of journalists, political opposition, human rights defenders and other members of civil society.

The adoption of the Resolution follows the Iranian government’s defense of its human rights record at the Universal Periodic Review by the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva earlier this month. The Resolution notes with concern the Iranian government’s lack of cooperation with UN mechanisms, including its poor implementation of the recommendations it accepted during its first Universal Periodic Review, and its continued failure to allow Dr. Ahmed Shaheed, the UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in Iran, into the country to investigate human rights abuses in accordance with his mandate.

The Resolution also notes with the concern the Iranian government’s failure to fulfill any requests from UN thematic special procedures mandate holders to visit the country in nearly a decade. Just last week, Hadi Sadeghi—the deputy chief of the judiciary’s cultural affairs department—told Tasnim News Agency that the Iranian government will allow two thematic special procedures mandate holders to visit the country however no specifics on what mandate holders would be allowed in, or timeline of the visit, were further provided.

The Resolution will proceed to a Plenary vote at the UNGA next month for final adoption.
International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran