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Invitation by the 25 Bahman Group to Participate in Peaceful, Civil Protests on Sept 3rd, 2011 to Save Lake Orumiyeh


 August 30th 2011 –  The peaceful, civil protests to save lake Orumiyeh from an environmental disaster were violently suppressed by security forces on Saturday August 27th, 2011.

This violence against peaceful citizens is further proof that the ruling government of Iran cares neither about the form of protest nor the reasons behind it, but rather will do everything in their power to ensure that the nation of Iran remains obedient and submissive. It no longer matters to this regime whether people demonstrate in Tehran or Orumiyeh, whether the demonstrations are in pursuit of their civil rights, or in order to protect the environment or as a means to speak out against the utter neglect [of the ruling government] vis-a-vis a historic landmark such as lake Orumiyeh.  Vahedi’s response is very apropos when he says: “Given the recent demise of other dictatorial regimes in the Middle East, this type of behavior only further confirms the fear that is gripping the ruling government of Iran.”

It was the tireless efforts of various environmental groups and the dynamics within social networks that led to a collaborative effort to save a dying national treasure, a lake that has come to symbolize the dreams, sufferings and aspirations of an entire nation. “The Little Black Fish” [Mahi Siyahe Kochooloo]  a classic short story by Azeri author Samad Behrangi ends with the following sentence: “Despite all his efforts, the little, red fish could not fall asleep, for all night long until the break of dawn his thoughts were with the ocean….”  Much like Behrangi’s master piece, imprinted in the memories of an entire Iranian nation, Orumiyeh Lake has now become the symbol of unity between the citizens of Iran regardless of their local dialect and ethnicity, reminding us all that there is a world out there much larger than the confines of the cage in which we find ourselves today – a dream that also led Bagher Khan (whose honorary title was “National Hero”) and Sattar Khan [both figures in the Iranian Constitutional Revolution and considered one of the greatest heroes of Iran] to leave Tabriz for the capital Tehran so many years ago.
To this end, after receiving hundreds of emails and contacting a variety of Green activist groups and supporters of the Coordination Council of the Green Path of Hope, the 25 Bahman group, while expressing its support for the civil protests designed to bring attention to the situation at lake Orumiyeh, announces Saturday, September 3rd, 2011 as a day of support for the rights of all ethnic minorities and a National Day of Solidarity with our compatriots in Orumiyeh in their civil protest against this environmental disaster.
The suggested locations, date and time for these peaceful, civil protests are as follows:

Date:                Saturday September 3rd, 2011

Time:                5:00pm

Location:      Orumiyeh: corner of Atai and Imam Street

Tabriz: Rasteh Alley

Tehran: Baharestan Square, in front of the parliament

By banooyesabz
Source: 25 Bahman Facebook!/25bahman