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Deterioration of Human Rights in Iran



Political-Civil activists are persecuted due to their activity by officials of the regime of Iran.

Torture, beating, mock execution and brutal interrogation are the norms at the prisons of Iran that most of them are unknown due to weak media and Human Rights organizations. Fractured captives are thrown into solitary confinement and interrogation rooms, where the goal of inquisition through inhuman and cruel methods. Prison conditions are alarming and worrying, as the UN special rapporteur on human rights in Iran, Ahmed Shaheed, and many NGOs such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have upheld.

Iran has never been a great place to be a civil-political activist or journalist, but the situation deteriorated significantly crucial under Rouhani’s cabinet according to the reports.

Human Rights activists have acknowledged that Iran is a one of the countries that freedom is highly restricted, and no dissent is tolerated. Iran have allocated the highest ranking of death penalty, mass arrests of activists, brutal methods of torture, long-term imprisonment, death in drug treatment camps, denial of education and occupation, excruciating life in the prisons and Internet filtering.

Undecided condition and detention of prisoners is the other norm that the regime imposes prisoners. Many activists are reportedly detained; often there is no reason.

Mr. Ali Rezaei, a computer engineering, is one of the Iranian civil activists who was arrested in Mehrabad airport on 4 Feb 2015, while he was going to Bandar Abbas city. He was arrested due to the celebration of the International Mother Language Day as Human Rights activists have declared.

Mr. Sohrab Bahrami, a civil activist, was arrested by Intelligence Service officials on Jan 2015 in Sanandaj city. Sohrab, 55, was taken to unknown detention and as of yet, there is no any news.

Mr. Ribwar Kamranipour, an environmental activist and member of Sabzchiya Association, was summoned by Intelligence Service office of Sanandaj on 10 Dec 2014. Authorities are not being held responsible for his detention, and there is no news of him.

Miss. Atena Daemi, a young civil activist, was arrested by the Revolutionary Guards of Iran on 21 Oct 2014. She was taken to solitary confinement in Evin prison during her interrogation. Atena was accused of propaganda against the regime of Iran in the Revolutionary Court which chaired by Judge Mohammad Mogheyse. She is kept in Evin prison since her detention in critical condition because of her heart disease, and it is worth noting that she suffers from skin disorders and poor eyesight due to excruciating daily life and torture in the prison.

Mr. Saeed Shirzad, a children labor activist, was arrested in his workplace on 2 June 2014. He had been formerly arrested during the earth-quake of Ahar city in Azerbaijan province on 21 August 2012.

Mr. Majid Moghadam, a civil activist, was arrested by officials of Revolutionary Guards on 3 Dec 2014. Majid, is one of the victims and detainees in Kahrizak during the uprising after the presidency election in 2009, was accused of propaganda against the regime of Iran, illegal way-out of the borders and lack of Military Service ID.

Mr. Arash Sadeghi, a student activist, was arrested by officials of Revolutionary Guards in his workplace on 6 Sept 2014. Arash accused of acting against national security, of propaganda against the regime and of Facebook activities and, he is one of the students who were denied education because of his student’s activity.

It is worth noting: Arash’s detention has been frequently extended despite his critical health condition. He has had extremely painful experiences in prison—both psychologically and physically when officials raided his father’s house at 4 am on 30 Oct 2010 in order to arrest him. His mother suffered a fatal heart attack and died as a result of the shock of the raid.

Miss. Atena Faraghdani, a civil activist, was arrested by officials of the regime on 12 Sept 2014. After a while, she released on the bail and revealed some details of Evin prison as surveillance cameras in the bathroom hallway. Atena was again summoned to 15 branch of Revolutionary Court wich chaired by Salavati on 10 Jan 2015 and beaten brutally by officials in front of her parents in the courts. She was finally accused of acting against national security, propaganda against the regime of Iran and insulting to parliament members through drawing and thrown into the prison.

Finally, it must be added that many others of citizens as Ahwazi Arab activists, Sunni Kurd, Baloch, Kurds, Baha’I and Christian converts have been oppressed through prosecution and detention by the regime of Iran. They have been deprived of their basic rights such as education in native language, freedom of religion, denial of education and occupation since 1979.

By: Kaveh Taheri
Source: BCRGroup