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Human Rights Situation in Iran – Annual Report 2014



The Department of Statistics and Publications of the Human Rights Activists in Iran has published an analytical report on the human rights situation in Iran during the one-year period (2014-2015). This report is the result of daily efforts of the organization and its dedicated members in the past few years based on a survey-based project started in 2009 and indicated as statistical analysis on this report.

The report consists of statistics in different areas of human rights violations in Iran e.g. ethnic rights, religious rights, freedom of expression, executions etc.

It also includes the statistics of human rights violations in different provinces in Iran as well as a general comparison with the statistics of the last year.

The Department of Statistics and Publications of the Human Rights Activists in Iran has included different monthly comparative figures in the report, through which you can have an overview of the whole situation in different time frames.

The report can be downloaded here.