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Propaganda of radical religious men against Kavar Dervīshes

Based on the published announcements in Kavar province, attributed groups to Basij that are gathered to encounter to Gonābādī Dervīshes, on Friday 11 Shahrivar 1390 (2 September 2011), tomorrow, will hold a rally.
According to Majzoobān-i Noor Website’s newsman, these forces are dispatched from Shiraz to Kavar and they have taken services from people of this province’s periphery villages for demonstrations.
Dervīshes in spite of negotiations with governmental officers and speaking to Kavar population’s delegate in Consultative Assembly couldn’t prevent these actions and in advanced have announced that encountering any violent and obscene action, they will vindicate their rights.
It is considerable that radicals have covered Kavar Province’s walls with obscene mottos and announcements and till now any organization hasn’t prevented them.
Dervīshes of this state’s other divisions, contacting Majzoobān-i Noor Website meanwhile have declared their sympathy with their faith brothers, have asked legal authorities to protect Darvīshes’ social rights and prevent radicals from clashing and making turmoil.