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Stopping the shot in Kavar

Given news state that gunfire and conflict with Gonābādī’s Dervīshes, is stopped and the number of especial operations forces and emergency ambulance in that province is increasing. According to Majzoobān-i Noor Website’s newsman conflict and shot which had been started today at 12 (Friday 11 Shahrivar 1390) (2 September 2011) has been stopped and more especial operations forces are moving from Shiraz to Kavar.
One of Kovar Dervīshes answering to this question that the conflict when has been started and why? said our newsman: “Organizer of this illegal action was a young radical theologian that distributing announcements and CD, started encouraging the Basij forces to be involved in the conflict with Darvīshes and using obscene mottos like ‘Down with the American Darvīshes’ provoked this turmoil.”
This Dervīsh added “Even if according to this radical theologian and impossible assumption, Dervīshes are heretic and stipendiary of the U.S.A, if wouldn’t there be any legal and observing organization for investigation of the accusations? That a number of wayward men who called themselves as the theologians and Basiji would have involved innocent people in the armed conflict and turmoil?
From his words, this conflict when had been changed to the armed one, that wayward forces fired some stores which belonged to Dervīshes and this action caused injuries to some of the both parties’ members.
This Dervīsh emphasizing on the characteristics of Kavar tribal people said: “Darvīshes in this happening repeatedly through legal actions and negotiation with governmental officers,  demanded them to prevent these violent actions, but negligence of radicals will have consequences that we hope interfering wise and judicious officers prevent them.