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Martial law in Kavar

Following violence and conflict with Nematollahi Gonabadi Dervishes , Kavar province went into the martial and security state.

According to Majzoobān-i Noor Website’s newsman, security forces have installed the closed-circuit television camera at the location of holding Majleses in Kavar province, and have been watching them.
This report adds: “All of Kavar external roads have been closed by especial operations forces and they prevent entrance of Darvīshes to Kavar.
Eyewitnesses have said our newsman: “During this conflict which started with using tear gas and gunshot by wayward forces, some of Dervīshes’s houses have been irrupted and inspected, and some of their stores have been fired.
According to our newsman, Kavar atmosphere is martial and every movement is intensely under control and inspection.
It is considerable that increasing severity of martial and security state in this province has caused difficulties in having access to the news. Once we receive any information, we will immediately publish them.